
Jeremiah_Chapter 31

“At that time, I will be the God of all the houses of Israel,” said the Lord. They will be my people.

Thus says the Lord, The Israelites are the ones who have escaped from the sword. When I gave him rest, he found favor in the wilderness.

From afar, the Lord appeared to Israel, saying, I have loved you with eternal love, therefore I have attracted you with mercy.

O virgin of Israel, I will establish you again, and you will be established. You will once again find drumming beautiful, dancing with joyful people.

And vineyards will be planted on the mountains of Samaria, and the planters will enjoy the fruits they bear.

The day will come, and the watchmen on Mount Ephraim will call out, saying, Arise. We can go up to Zion and go to the Lord our God.

This is what the Lord says: Sing with joy for Jacob, for the chief among all nations rejoices. Praise and proclaim, O Lord, save your people, the remnant of Israel.

I will bring them from the north and gather them from the ends of the earth. Along with them came blind, crippled, pregnant, and parturient women. They will become a big gang and come back here.

They are coming to cry. I will guide them according to their pleading, so that they may walk in a straight path by the river and not stumble on it. Because I am the father of Israel, and Ephraim is my eldest son.

O nations, listen to the word of the Lord and proclaim it on the distant islands, saying, Those who scatter Israel will gather them and guard them, like shepherds guarding their flocks.

Because the Lord redeemed Jacob, redeeming him from the hands of those stronger than him.

They will come to the high places of Zion to sing, and flow back to the land of the Lord’s grace, a land of grain, new wine, and oil, as well as lambs and calves. Their hearts will be like a watered garden. They no longer have any worries.

At that time, virgins will dance with joy. The young and the old will also rejoice together. Because I will turn their sorrow into joy, and comfort them, turning their sorrow into joy.

I will satisfy the hearts of the priests with fat. My people will also be satisfied with my grace. This is what the Lord has said.

This is what the Lord has said: “In Ramah, there was a sound of lamentation and painful weeping. Rachel wept for her children and refused to be comforted, because they were all gone.”.

This is what the Lord says: Keep your voice from lamenting, and your eyes from shedding tears, for your work will be rewarded. They will return from the enemy country. This is what the Lord has said.

And the Lord said, In the end, there will be hope for you. Your children will return to their own realm.

I heard Ephraim lament for himself, saying, You have punished me, and I have been punished, like a calf that is not accustomed to being yoked. Turn me back, and I will turn again, for you are the Lord my God.

After I turned around, I truly regretted it. After being taught, I clapped my legs and sighed. I feel ashamed and ashamed because I bear the humiliation of childhood.

The Lord said, Is Ephraim my beloved son? Is it a joyful child? Whenever I blame him, I still deeply care about him. So my heart admires him. I must have mercy on him.

O virgin of Israel, set up a signpost for yourself and set up a guiding post. You need to pay attention to the main road, which is the original path you are going to. Turn around, turn back to your cities.

How long will you go back and forth, O rebellious woman? The Lord has created a new thing on the earth, which is for women to guard men.

This is what the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, says: When I bring back the captives, they will say again in the land of Judah and its cities: O dwelling place of righteousness, O holy mountain, may the Lord bless you.

Judah and its cities, as well as farmers and shepherds, shall dwell together in them.

I fill the weary with food. I satisfy those who are worried.

The prophet said, I have woken up and found myself sleeping soundly.

The days are coming, says the Lord, when I will sow the seeds of man and beast in the house of Israel and the house of Judah.

Just as I had previously paid attention to uprooting, demolishing, destroying, overturning, and suffering, so I will also pay attention to establishing and planting them. This is what the Lord has said.

In those days, people no longer said that the father ate sour grapes and the son’s teeth were sore.

But everyone will die for their own sins. Anyone who eats sour grapes will have their teeth sore.

And the Lord said, The days are coming, and I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah,

Not like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand and led them out of Egypt. Although I am their husband, they have broken my promise. This is what the Lord has said.

And the Lord said, After those days, this is the covenant I have made with the house of Israel: I will put my law in them, and write it in their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.

They will no longer teach their neighbors and brothers, saying, “Know the Lord, for they will know me from the smallest to the greatest.”. I will forgive their sins and no longer remember their sins. This is what the Lord has said.

The Lord Almighty is his name, who makes the sun shine by day, the stars and the moon have a law, the night shines, and stirs up the sea, causing its waves to roar. He said so,

If these regulations can be abolished before me, then the descendants of Israel will be cut off from me and will never become a nation again. This is what the Lord has said.

This is what the Lord says: “If I have the power to measure heaven and search for the foundation of the earth, I will reject the descendants of Israel for all their deeds.”. This is what the Lord has said.

The days are coming, declares the Lord, and this city will be built for the Lord, from the tower of Hananel to the corner gate.

The line will be measured outward until it reaches Mount Gali, and then it will turn to Goah.

The whole valley where the body is thrown, the place where the ashes are poured out, and all the fields, from the Kidron River to the corner of the east horse gate, shall be holy to the Lord, and shall not be pulled out or overturned forever.

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