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Jeremiah_Chapter 2

The word of the Lord came to me, saying, Go and shout in the ears of the people of Jerusal…

The word of the Lord came to me, saying,

Go and shout in the ears of the people of Jerusalem, saying, This is what the Lord has said: I remember the love of your youth, the love of your marriage, how you followed me in the wilderness, in the land that has not been cultivated.

At that time, Israel was holy to the Lord as the first ripe fruit of its land. Anyone who devours it will be considered guilty, and disaster will come upon them. This is what the Lord has said.

Listen to the word of the Lord, O Jacob and all the families of Israel.

Thus says the Lord, What unrighteousness has your ancestors seen in me, that they have been far from me and have gone after vain gods, becoming vain themselves?

They also did not say, Where is the Lord, who brought us up from the land of Egypt and led us through the wilderness, deep pits in the desert, and a dry and shady land where no one passes through or inhabits?

I will lead you into a fertile land, so that you may eat its fruits and good things. But when you enter, you defile my land and make my inheritance detestable.

The priests do not say, Where is the Lord? Those who preach the law do not know me. The official violated me. Prophets prophesy through Baal and follow unprofitable gods.

Therefore will I argue with you, and I will argue with your descendants, says the Lord.

Go over to the island of Kitty to investigate, and send someone to Kedah to observe and see if such a thing has ever happened.

Has any country changed its gods? Actually, this is not a god. But my people have exchanged their glory for that useless God.

O heavens, be amazed by this, be extremely panicked, and be extremely desolate. This is what the Lord has said.

For my people have committed two evil deeds: they have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug out pools for themselves, which are broken and cannot hold water.

Is Israel a servant? Are you a servant born at home? Why became plunder?

The young lion roared at him, roaring loudly, leaving his land desolate. The cities are also burned and uninhabited.

The people of Noph and the people of Tabinees have also broken your head.

Didn’t you bring this up to you on your own? Did you not abandon the Lord your God when he led you on your journey?

Why do you drink the water of Sihor on the way to Egypt now? Why do you drink the water of the great river on the way to Assyria?

Your own evil will punish you. I will blame you for your apostasy. It can be seen from this that you have abandoned the Lord your God and have not revered me, but have done evil and suffering. This is what the Lord, the Lord of hosts, has said.

I broke your yoke and untied your ropes in ancient times. You say, I will not serve the Lord. Because you bend down and engage in debauchery on every high hill and under every green tree. (Or perhaps I broke your yoke and untied your ropes in ancient times, and you said, ‘I will not serve any other god.’ Who knew that you would still bend down and commit adultery on every high hill and under every green tree.)

However, I planted you as a superior grape tree, completely a true seed. How did you become a bad branch of a foreign grape tree to me?

Although you wash with alkali and soap, the traces of your sins still show before me. This is what the Lord Jehovah has said.

How can you say that I have not defiled or followed the Baals. You can tell what you’re doing by looking at the road in your valley. You are a fast moving one humped camel, running wildly.

You are a wild donkey, accustomed to the wilderness, and if you want to start, you will suck in the wind. Who can turn it around when it starts? Those who seek it will not be weary. You will be able to find it in its month.

I said, don’t leave your feet without shoes and your throat dry. You say, this is in vain. I love other gods, and I will follow them.

How ashamed the thief was when he was caught, so ashamed the house of Israel and their kings, leaders, priests, and prophets.

They said to the wood, “You are my father.”. Tell the stone, you gave birth to me. They turned their backs towards me, not towards me. But when they encounter trouble, they say, Rise up and save us.

Where is the God you made for yourself? When you encounter difficulties, ask them to rise up and save you. Judah, the number of your gods is equal to the number of your cities.

The Lord said, Why do you argue with me? You have all violated me.

I will punish your children in vain, they will not be punished. Your own sword devours your prophets like a cruel lion.

O people of this generation, see the word of the Lord. Will I be a wilderness to Israel? Or a place of darkness? Why do my people say, ‘We are free from bondage and will no longer turn to you.’.

How can a virgin forget her makeup? How can the bride forget her beautiful clothes? My people have forgotten my countless days.

How do you embellish your path and demand love? Even the wicked women, ask them to follow your path.

And there is blood from innocent poor people on your collar. You didn’t kill them because you found them digging holes, but because of all these things.

You also said, I am innocent. The anger of the Lord will surely dissipate from me. Look, I will interrogate you. Because you said to yourself, I did not commit a crime.

Why are you running around and changing your path? You will be ashamed of Egypt, just as you were ashamed of Assyria before.

You will also come out of Egypt with your head in your arms. For the Lord has rejected the things you trust in, and you will not prosper because of them.


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