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Jeremiah_Chapter 50

The word that the Lord spoke of Babylon and the land of the Chaldeans through the prophet …

The word that the Lord spoke of Babylon and the land of the Chaldeans through the prophet Jeremiah.

You must spread the report and raise the banner among all nations. Report, do not conceal, say, Babylon has been taken, Bel has been put to shame, and Mirodah is in fear. Babylonian deities are all ashamed. Her idols are all in panic.

Because a country came up from the north to attack her, leaving her land desolate and uninhabited, even humans and livestock fled.

The Lord said, In that day and at that time, the Israelites will come with the Jews, go and cry, and seek the Lord their God.

They will visit Zion and face here, saying, Come, let us be united with the Lord as an everlasting covenant.

My people have become lost sheep, and shepherds have led them astray and turned them back to the mountains. They walked from the mountains to the hills, forgetting their resting place.

Whoever meets them will devour them. The enemy said, we have no sin. Because they have sinned against the Lord, who is the dwelling place of righteousness, the Lord in whom their ancestors looked up.

O my people, flee from Babylon, go out from the land of the Chaldeans, and be like a male goat walking before a flock of sheep.

For I will stir up a united great nation from the north to attack Babylon, and they will set up a formation against her. She will be captured from there. Their arrows are like the arrows of a skilled warrior, not a single one returns in vain.

Chaldea will become plunder. All who plunder her will be satisfied. This is what the Lord has said.

O you who have taken away my inheritance, you are joyful and joyful, like a female calf treading the grain and reveling, like a strong horse hissing.

Your mother Babylon will be greatly ashamed, and those who gave birth to you will be ashamed. She will be listed at the end of the nations, becoming a wilderness, a dry land, and a desert.

Because of the wrath of the Lord, there will be no one to dwell, and it will be completely desolate. Anyone who passes through Babylon will be horrified, and will scoff at the calamity that has befallen her.

All those who draw bows, set up an array around Babylon and shoot arrows at her. Do not cherish the arrow branch, for it has offended the Lord.

You should shout around her. She has surrendered. The outer walls collapsed and the city walls were demolished, because this is the Lord’s revenge. You shall seek revenge against Babylon. She should treat others the same way she treats them.

Cut off all those who sow in Babylon and those who hold sickles during the harvest. Each of them will return to their own tribe and flee to their own land for fear of the oppressive sword.

Israel is a scattered sheep, driven out by lions. Firstly, the king of Assyria swallowed him up, and finally, the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, broke his bones.

Therefore thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: I will punish the king of Babylon and his land, just as I punished the king of Assyria before.

I will bring Israel back to his pasture, and he will eat grass in Carmel and Bashan, and be satisfied in the mountains of Ephraim and Gilead.

And the Lord said, In that day and at that time, although I seek the iniquity of Israel, I have nothing. Although I seek the sins of Judah, I see nothing. Because of the people I have left behind, I will forgive them.

The Lord said, Go up against the land of Meradaon, and against the inhabitants of Bicot. Chase and annihilate, and do as I command you.

There are sounds of war and great destruction within the territory.

How could the sledgehammer of the whole earth cut and destroy. How is Babylon desolate among the nations.

Babylon, I have set a net for you, and you are unknowingly entangled. You were found and also caught. Because you are in conflict with the Lord.

The Lord has opened his arsenal and taken out the weapons of his wrath. For the Lord, the Lord of hosts, has done things in the land of the Chaldeans.

Attack her from the farthest border, open her granaries, pile her up like a pile, destroy her completely, and leave no trace.

To kill all her calves, so that they may come down to be slaughtered. Woe to them, for the day of pursuing them has come.

There are those who have escaped from the land of Babylon, who have raised their voices in Zion to report to the Lord our God for revenge, that is, to avenge his temple.

Summon all archers to attack Babylon. Camp around Babylon, do not let anyone escape, and repay her according to her deeds. As she treats others, she must also treat her, for she has become arrogant towards the Lord, the Holy One of Israel.

So her young men will fall on the street. On that day, all soldiers will remain silent. This is what the Lord has said.

The Lord, the Lord of hosts, says, O arrogant one, I am against you, for the day has come for me to pursue you.

The arrogant will stumble and fall, and no one will lift them up. I will also set fire in his cities and consume everything around him.

Thus says the Lord of hosts, Israel and Judah are oppressed together. Anyone who kidnaps them will hold onto them tightly and refuse to release them.

Their redeemer is strong, and the Lord of hosts is his name. He will vindicate their cause, so that the whole land may find peace and disturb the inhabitants of Babylon.

The sword is upon the Chaldeans and the inhabitants of Babylon, and upon their leaders and wise men, says the Lord.

When a sword comes upon those who boast, they become foolish. A sword came upon her warriors, and they were terrified.

A sword fell upon her horses, vehicles, and the people of her mixed race. They will be like women. When a sword came upon her treasure, it was snatched away.

When drought comes upon her waters, they will dry up. Because this is a place with carved idols, people go crazy because of their idols.

So the beasts of the wilderness and the jackals will dwell there, and the ostriches will dwell in it; there will be no smoke for ever, and no one will dwell in it for generations to come.

The Lord said, No one will dwell there, and no one will dwell in it, just as I overthrew Sodom, Gomorrah, and the neighboring cities.

Look, there is a people coming from the north, and a great nation and many kings are excited to come from the ends of the earth.

They hold bows and guns, have a cruel temperament, and do not show mercy. Their voices sound like waves?? Roam. O daughter of Babylon, they ride horses and set up their armies like those on the battlefield to attack you.

The king of Babylon heard the news of them, and his hands became weak. Pain caught him, and his pain was like that of a woman in labor.

The enemy will come up like a lion from the jungle by the Jordan River, attacking the fortified dwelling. In the blink of an eye, I want them to escape and leave this place. Whoever is chosen, I will send someone to govern this land. Who can compare to me? Who can set a date for me? What shepherd can stand before me?

Listen to the plan spoken by the Lord against Babylon and his will against the land of the Chaldeans. The enemy will surely pull away their weak masses and make their dwellings desolate.

Because of the sound of Babylon being taken, the earth trembled, and people heard a cry among the nations.


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