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Jeremiah_Chapter 51

This is what the Lord says: I will raise up a destructive wind against Babylon and those w…

This is what the Lord says: I will raise up a destructive wind against Babylon and those who live in Rigami.

I will send foreigners to Babylon, winnowing her and making her land empty. On the day of her calamity, they will attack her from all around.

Those who pull the bow should shoot arrows at those who pull the bow and those who stand up through the armor. Don’t pity her young man. To annihilate her entire army.

They will be killed and fallen in the land of the Chaldeans, and pierced through the streets of Babylon.

Although Israel and Judah are full of sins against the Holy One of Israel, they have not been abandoned by their God, the Lord of hosts.

Run away from Babylon, each one saving their own lives. Don’t fall into her sins and perish together. For this is the time of the Lord’s revenge, and he will bring retribution to Babylon.

Babylon has always been a golden cup in the hand of the Lord, making the world drunk. The world went crazy after drinking her wine.

Babylon suddenly overturned and destroyed. To mourn for her. Her pain can be cured with frankincense.

We wanted to cure Babylon, but she was not cured. Leave her. We each returned to our own country. Because her judgment reaches to the heavens and reaches the heavens.

The Lord has revealed our righteousness. Come on. We can report the actions of the Lord our God in Zion.

You need to sharpen the arrow and grab the shield. The Lord determined to attack Babylon and destroy her, thus stirring up the hearts of the kings of the Medes. For this is the Lord’s revenge, the revenge for his own temple.

Erect a great banner and attack the walls of Babylon. Strengthen the lookout tower and assign watchmen to set up ambushes. For the words and intentions of the Lord concerning the inhabitants of Babylon have been fulfilled.

O you who dwell on the waters and have many treasures, your end has come. You are full of greed.

The Lord of hosts has sworn by himself, saying, I will fill you with enemies like grasshoppers. They will shout and attack you.

The Lord created the earth with his power, established the world with his wisdom, and spread out the heavens with his understanding.

As soon as he spoke, there was much excitement in the air. He caused clouds and mist to rise from the ends of the earth. He made electricity that flashed with the rain, bringing out the wind from his treasury.

Everyone has become a beast without any knowledge. All silversmiths are ashamed of their idols. The idols he cast were originally false, with no breath in them,

They are all meaningless, deceiving work that will be destroyed when pursued.

Jacob’s portion is not like these, because he is the creator of all things. Israel is also a branch of his inheritance. The Lord of hosts is his name.

You are my axe and weapon for war. I will shatter the nations with you, and destroy the nations with you.

Use you to break horses and ride horses. Use you to smash the chariot and the one sitting on it.

Use you to break men and women. Use you to crush the elderly and young. Use you to break down the strong men and virgins.

Use you to break the shepherd and his herd. Use you to break the farmer and his pair of cows. Use you to crush the governor and deputy governor.

The Lord said, I will avenge the Babylonians and the inhabitants of Chaldea for all their evil deeds in Zion before your eyes.

I am against you, O mountain of destruction, the mountain of destruction that destroys the whole world, declares the Lord. I will reach out to you and roll you down from the rocks, making you a burned mountain.

People will not take stones from you as corner stones, nor will they take stones as foundation stones. You will always be desolate. This is what the Lord has said.

Erect a great banner within the borders, blow the horn among the nations, and prepare them to attack Babylon. Bring the nations of Ararat, Mini, and Ashkenah to attack her. And he sent commanders to attack her, causing the horses to come up like grasshoppers,

Prepare the nations and the kings of the Medes, as well as the governors and deputy governors, and all the people in charge of the land, to attack her.

The earth will tremble and become barren. Because the will of the Lord against Babylon has been established, it has made the land of Babylon desolate and uninhabited.

The warriors of Babylon put an end to war and hid in the fortress. Their courage has declined, like that of women. Babylon’s dwelling was on fire, and the bolts of the doors were broken.

Those who announce should meet each other, those who deliver letters should greet each other, and report to the king of Babylon that the four sides of the city have been taken,

The ferry was occupied, the reed pond was set on fire, and the soldiers were also panicked.

This is what the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, says: The city of Babylon is like a threshing floor that treads the grain. In a while, the time to harvest her will come.

The Israelites said, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon has devoured me, crushed me, and made me an empty vessel. He swallowed me like a big fish, filled his belly with my beauty, and drove me out.

The inhabitants of Zion will say, May Babylon be the one who has mistreated me and damaged my body. The people of Jerusalem will say, May the guilt of shedding our blood be on the inhabitants of Chaldea.

Therefore, thus says the Lord, I will avenge you and avenge you. I will make the sea of Babylon dry up, and her springs dry up.

Babylon will become a pile of ruins, a dwelling place for wild dogs, a source of astonishment and ridicule, with no one living there.

They will roar like young lions and roar like little lions.

When they are hot, I will set up a banquet for them, so that they may be intoxicated, so that they may be happy, sleep a long sleep, and never wake up. This is what the Lord has said.

I will bring them down like lambs, like rams and goats to the land of slaughter.

How could Sheshak (Babylon) be taken? How could the praise of the world be taken. How has Babylon become a desolation among the nations.

The sea rose and overflowed Babylon. She was covered by many waves.

Her city has become a wasteland, a dry land, a desert, an uninhabited and uncharted land.

I will punish Bel of Babylon, causing him to spit out what he has swallowed. All the people will no longer flow back to him. The walls of Babylon will also collapse.

O my people, go out of it. Everyone saves themselves from the fierce anger of the Lord.

Do not be alarmed or afraid, nor be afraid of the rumors heard within your borders. Because there were rumors coming this year. That year, there were also rumors of rape within the territory, and the officials attacked them.

The days are coming, and I will punish the idols carved in Babylon. She must feel ashamed all over the place. The person she killed will fall among them.

At that time, heaven and earth, and all that is in them, will rejoice over Babylon, for the destroyers will come from the north to her. This is what the Lord has said.

Just as Babylon has caused the slain of Israel to fall, so all the slain of her land will fall in Babylon.

You who are avoiding swords should walk quickly and not stop. Remember the Lord from afar, and remember Jerusalem in your heart.

When we hear insults, we are ashamed and ashamed, because foreigners have entered the sanctuary of the Lord’s temple.

The days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will punish the idols carved in Babylon, and the wounded throughout the land will groan.

Although Babylon ascends to heaven and strengthens her fortified high places, there are those who bring destruction from me to her. This is what the Lord has said.

A mournful sound came out of Babylon. The sound of great destruction emanated from the land of the Chaldeans.

For the Lord has made Babylon a desolation, causing its loud voice to be destroyed. The enemy is like a multitude of waters, the waves roar, and a sound has already been made.

This is the coming of destruction to Babylon. The warriors of Babylon were captured, and their bows were broken. Because the Lord is the God who brings retribution, he will surely bring retribution.

The king’s name is the Lord of hosts, saying, I will make the leaders of Babylon, the wise, the governors, the deputy governors, and the brave drunk, so that they may sleep a long sleep and never wake up.

Thus says the Lord of hosts, The wide walls of Babylon will be completely overturned. Her towering city gates will be burned by fire. The labor of the people will lead to emptiness. The labor of the nations shall be burned with fire, and they shall all be weary.

In the fourth year of the reign of King Zedekiah of Judah, when he went up to Babylon, Zeraiah the son of Neriah, the grandson of Maaseiah, went with the king (he was a minister of the palace). Jeremiah the prophet had something to say to him.

Jeremiah wrote in a book all the calamity that was to come upon Babylon, all the words concerning Babylon.

Jeremiah said to Zeraiah, “When you come to Babylon, read the words of this book.”.

And he said, O Lord, you have spoken of this place, saying, It shall be cut off, so that it shall be desolate forever, that neither man nor beast shall dwell here.

After you finish reading this book, tie a stone to it and throw it into the Euphrates River.

Saying, Babylon shall sink like this, and shall no longer rise up, and the people shall be weary, because of the calamity that the Lord shall bring upon her. Jeremiah’s words come to an end.


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