
Jeremiah_Chapter 12

When I argued with you, O Lord, you appeared righteous. But one more thing, I have to argue with you: why does the path of the wicked prosper? Why do those who act deceitfully find comfort?

You have cultivated them, and they have also taken root, grown, and borne fruit. Their mouths are close to you, but their hearts are far away from you.

O Lord, you know me, you see me, you test my heart towards you. Please pull them out like slaughtered sheep, so that they may wait for the day of slaughter.

How long will this land mourn and the green grass of the whole country dry up? Due to the evil deeds of its inhabitants, both livestock and birds became extinct. They once said he couldn’t see our ending.

The Lord said, “If you run with those who walk and still feel tired, how can you race with horses?”? What should you do in the jungle by the Jordan River, even though you are in peace?

Because even your brothers and your father’s family have treated you with deceit. They are also shouting loudly behind you, even if they say good things to you, don’t believe them.

I have left my temple, abandoned my inheritance, and handed over the beloved in my heart into the hands of her enemies.

My inheritance is like a lion in the forest, she speaks out against me, so I hate her.

Is my inheritance like a speckled bird of prey to me? Are birds of prey attacking her all around? Go gather the beasts of the field, bring them and devour them.

Many shepherds have destroyed my vineyards, trampled on my portion, and turned my beautiful portion into a desolate wilderness.

They made the land desolate. The land is desolate, yet it mourns for me. The whole land is desolate because no one cares.

The destroyers have come to all the high places of pure light in the wilderness. The sword of the Lord will completely destroy from one end of the earth to the other. No one with blood will be safe.

They grow wheat and harvest thorns. Hard work is of no benefit. Because of the fierce anger of the Lord, you will be ashamed of your harvest.

This is what the Lord says: All evil neighbors who occupy the inheritance that I have given to the people of Israel, I will uproot them from their land, and I will uproot the house of Judah from among them.

After I uproot them, I will turn and have mercy on them, bringing them back, each to their own profession and homeland.

If they diligently study the way of my people and swear by my name, saying, I swear by the living Lord, just as they taught my people to swear by Baal before, then they will establish themselves among my people.

If they do not listen, I will uproot that country, uproot it and destroy it. This is what the Lord has said.

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