
Jeremiah_Chapter 23

Woe to the shepherds who ravage and scatter the sheep of my pasture, says the Lord.

The Lord, the God of Israel, rebukes the shepherds who feed his people, saying, You have scattered my flock and have not taken care of them. I will punish you for your evil deeds. This is what the Lord has said.

I will gather the remaining of my flock from all the countries where I have driven them, and bring them back to their own circle. They will also give birth to many.

I will set up shepherds to take care of them and feed them. They are no longer afraid, no longer panicked, and there is no shortage of one. This is what the Lord has said.

The days are coming, says the Lord, and I will raise up a righteous seed for David. He will wield royal power, walk with wisdom, and do justice and righteousness on the earth.

In his days, Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell in safety. His name will be called Jehovah our righteousness.

The days are coming, declares the Lord, when no one will swear by the Lord, who brought the Israelites up from the land of Egypt and lives forever,

But swear by the living Lord, who brought up the descendants of the house of Israel from the north and among the nations that drove them. They must live locally.

As for those prophets, my heart is sorrowful within me, and my bones tremble. Because of the Lord and his holy words, I am like a drunken person, like a person overcome by wine.

The ground is filled with debauchers. Because he cursed himself recklessly, the earth mourned. The grasslands in the wilderness have all dried up. The way they walk is evil. Their bravery leads to injustice.

Even the prophets and priests are blasphemous, even in my temple I have seen their wickedness. This is what the Lord has said.

Therefore, their path will be like a slippery ground in darkness, and they will be pursued and fall in this path. For in the year of punishment, I will bring disaster upon them. This is what the Lord has said.

I have seen foolishness among the prophets of Samaria. They prophesied through Baal, causing my people Israel to go astray.

I have seen detestable things among the prophets in Jerusalem. They commit adultery and act in vain, and strengthen the hands of the wicked, so that no one turns away from their evil. They are all like Sodom in front of me. The inhabitants of Jerusalem are like Gomorrah.

Therefore the Lord of hosts says of the prophets, ‘I will give them wormwood to eat and bitter bile to drink.’. Because blasphemy came from the prophets of Jerusalem and spread throughout the land.

Thus says the Lord of hosts, Do not listen to the words of these prophets who prophesy to you. They teach you of emptiness, and the visions they speak of come from their own hearts, not from the mouth of the Lord.

They often say to those who despise me, ‘The Lord says,’ You will have peace. ‘. And he said to all those who walk according to their stubbornness, No calamity shall come upon you.

Who stands in the meeting of the Lord to hear and understand his words? Who pays attention to what he says?

Look where. The wrath of the Lord is like a storm, it has gone out. It is a fierce whirlwind that will turn on the heads of the wicked.

The anger of the Lord will not turn away until the plan of his heart is fulfilled. You must fully understand the final days.

I did not send those prophets, but they ran on their own. I didn’t speak to them, they prophesied on their own.

If they stand in my assembly, they will make my people listen to my words and turn them away from the evil way and the evil they have done.

The Lord said, Am I a nearby God? Isn’t it also for the distant gods?

The Lord said, Can a man hide in secret, so that I may not see him? The Lord said, Am I not filled with heaven and earth?

I have heard the false prophecies spoken by those prophets in my name, saying, I have dreamed. I had a dream.

How long will the prophets who prophesy falsely, who prophesy deceitfully with their own hearts, remain so determined?

They each recounted their dreams to their neighbors, hoping that my people would forget my name, just as their ancestors forgot my name because of Baal.

The prophet who obtained the dream can recount that dream. The person who speaks to me can honestly speak my words. How can bran be compared to wheat? This is what the Lord has said.

“Is my word not like fire, or like a hammer that can break a rock?” said the Lord?

The Lord says, “I will oppose those prophets who steal my words from their neighbors.”.

The Lord said, “Those prophets use their tongues to say that the Lord has spoken.”. I will oppose them.

The Lord says, I will oppose those who prophesy and tell dreams, causing my people to go astray with lies and boasting. I did not send them, nor did I command them. They have no benefit to this people. This is what the Lord has said.

Whether it be the people, the prophets, or the priests, they ask you, ‘What is the revelation of the Lord?’? Say to them, what kind of revelation. The Lord said, I will abandon you.

Whether it be a prophet, a priest, or a people, I will punish that person and his house for the revelation of the Lord.

Each of you must say to your neighbors and each of you must say to your brothers, ‘What does the Lord answer?’? What did the Lord say?

Do not mention the word of the Lord again, for every one’s words will be a burden to themselves, because you have misunderstood the words of the living God, the Lord of hosts, our God.

Thus say ye to the prophets, What answer shall the Lord answer you. What did the Lord say?

If you speak the word of the Lord’s revelation, then the Lord will say this: for when you speak the word of the Lord’s revelation, I have also sent messengers to you, telling you not to speak the word of the Lord’s revelation.

So I will completely forget you and abandon you and the cities I have given you and your ancestors.

And I will bring eternal humiliation and everlasting shame upon you, which cannot be forgotten.

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