首页 Jeremiah Jeremiah_Chapter 48

Jeremiah_Chapter 48

On Moab. This is what the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, says: Woe to Nebo. Because it …

On Moab. This is what the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, says: Woe to Nebo. Because it has become a wasteland. Kiriatyn was ashamed and taken. Misca was ashamed and destroyed.

Moab is no longer praised. Someone was planning to assassinate her in Heshbon and said, come on. We will cut her off and no longer become a country. Madmen, you will also remain silent. Swords and swords will chase after you.

From the mournful cries of desolation and great destruction in Horonen,

Moab was destroyed. Her child (or writer’s servant) let out a mournful voice that was audible.

When people go up to Mount Rush, they cry as they go, because they hear the cry of destruction on the downhill slope of Horonam.

Run away, save your own lives, live alone, like juniper trees in the wilderness.

You will be taken because of what you have done and your wealth. Chemosh and his priests and leaders will also be taken captive together.

Those who destroy will come to every city, and no city will be spared. The valley will fall, and the plain will be destroyed. As the Lord has said.

Give wings to Moab so that she can fly away. Her cities will become desolate and uninhabited.

Cursed be those who are lazy and do things for the Lord. Cursed be those who prohibit their swords from being bloodless.

Moab has been at ease since childhood, like wine clarified on the dregs, not poured from one vessel to another, nor taken captive. Therefore, its original flavor still exists and its aroma remains unchanged.

“The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “and I will send those who pour wine to her. I will pour her out, empty her vessels, and smash her jars.”.

Moab will be ashamed of Chemosh, just as the house of Israel was ashamed of the God of Bethel, who trusted in him.

How do you say that we are warriors and have the courage to fight?

Moab became a wasteland, and the enemy went up into her cities. Her chosen young man was killed when he went down. This is what the king’s name is Jehovah of hosts has said.

The calamity of Moab is approaching. Her suffering came quickly.

Everyone around her and those who know her name shall mourn for her, saying, How could the sturdy rod and the beautiful rod be broken?

O daughter who resides in Dibon, come down from your glorious throne and sit down to thirst. Because the destroyers of Moab came up against you and destroyed your fortress.

O those who live in Aroer, stand by the way and observe, and ask the escaping man and the escaping woman, What is it?

Moab is ashamed of destruction. Wail and shout, and report beside Arnon that Moab has become a desolation.

The punishment came on Horun, Jaza, and Mephaab in the plain,

The base, Nippo, Bodhisattva,

Kiriathaim, Bethgamoth, and Bethmeen,

Galileo, Bozrah, and all the cities far and near the land of Moab.

The horn of Moab has been cut off, and Moab’s arm has been broken. This is what the Lord has said.

Make Moab drunk, for she magnifies herself to the Lord. She wants to roll in her own vomit and be laughed at by others.

Moab, have you not mocked Israel? Did she find out among the thieves? You shake your head whenever you mention her.

O inhabitants of Moab, leave the cities and dwell in the cliffs, like doves nesting at the mouth of the abyss.

We have heard that the Moabites are extremely proud. I heard that he is arrogant, arrogant, and has a big heart.

The Lord said, I know that his wrath is in vain. His exaggerated words proved futile.

Therefore, I will mourn for Moab and cry out for all the land of Moab. People will sigh for the people of Kirhaleseth.

I mourn for you, O vine of Sibimah, more than the people of Jazer. Your branches spread across the sea and grow straight to the Sea of Yaxie. The destruction has come upon your summer fruits and the grapes you have picked.

The joy and joy of the fertile fields and the land of Moab have been taken away. I cut off the wine from the winepress, and no one kicked the wine and cheered. The cheering became a cry of the enemy.

The mournful voice of Hesh himself reached Elijah and reached Jaza. From Zoar to Horonam, and even to Ikerah and Elishia, because the waters of Nimrim will surely dry up.

The Lord said, I will cut off in the land of Moab those who offer sacrifices on high places and those who burn incense to his God.

My heart mourns for Moab like a flute, and my heart mourns for the people of Kirhaleset, for all the wealth that the Moabites have obtained has been destroyed.

Everyone has bald heads, short beards, scratched hands, and a linen waist.

People mourn everywhere on the roofs of houses and in the streets of Moab. Because I have broken Moab like a vessel that no one delights in. This is what the Lord has said.

How devastated Moab is. What a mournful cry. How ashamed to turn my back. So Moab will make the people around him laugh and be horrified.

This is what the Lord says: The enemy will fly like a great eagle, spreading their wings and attacking Moab.

Galileo was captured, and the security was also occupied. On that day, the warriors of Moab will feel pain in their hearts like a woman in labor.

Moab will be destroyed and will no longer be a nation, because she has magnified herself to the Lord.

O inhabitants of Moab, fear, traps, and traps are all near you, declares the Lord.

Those who avoid fear will fall into a pit. Those who come up from the pit will be entangled in a net. For I will bring the year of remembrance upon Moab. This is what the Lord has said.

The evaders were powerless to stand under the shadow of Heshbon. For a fire emanates from Heshbon, and a flame from the city of Sihon, burning up the horns of Moab and the heads of those who make noise.

Woe to you, Moab. The people belonging to Chemosh have perished. Because all your sons have been taken captive, and your daughters have also been taken captive.

And the Lord said, In the end, I will bring back the captives of Moab. The judgment of Moab ends here.


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