
Jeremiah_Chapter 7

The word of the Lord came to Jeremiah, saying,

Stand at the entrance of the temple of the Lord and proclaim these words there, saying, All Judah who enter these doors and worship the Lord, listen to the word of the Lord.

This is what the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, says: Correct your ways and deeds, and I will make you dwell in this place.

Do not rely on false words, saying, These are the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord.

If you truly correct your actions and actions, and truly practice fairness between people and neighbors,

Do not oppress the homeless and widows. Do not shed innocent blood in this place, nor do you follow other gods to frame yourself.

I will keep you living in this place, the land that I gave to your ancestors in ancient times, forever.

See, you rely on false and unprofitable words.

You steal, kill, commit adultery, swear falsely, burn incense to Baal, and follow other gods you do not know,

Come to this temple called under my name and worship before me. Also, we can be free now. Are your actions like this to do those detestable things?

Can this temple called under my name be seen as a den of thieves in your eyes? I saw it all. This is what the Lord has said.

Go now to Shiloh, the place where my name was previously established, and see what I have done to that land because of the sins of this people Israel.

The Lord said, Now that you have done all these things, I have also risen up early to warn you, but you have not obeyed. Calling for you, but you refused.

So I will do to this temple, which is called by my name, and to the land I have given you and your ancestors, as I did to Shiloh before.

I will drive you out of my sight, just as I will drive out all your brothers, all the descendants of Ephraim.

So, do not pray for this people. Do not cry or pray for them, nor do you pray to me for them, because I will not listen to you.

Have you not seen what they have done in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem?

The child picked up firewood, the father burned the fire, the woman kneaded dough and made cakes to offer to the queen of heaven, and poured drink offerings to other gods, which angered me.

The Lord said, Have they provoked me to anger? Isn’t it because I caused trouble and felt ashamed on my face?

Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: “See, I will pour out my anger and wrath on the people and livestock of this place, and on the trees of the field and the produce of the earth, and it will ignite like a fire that cannot be extinguished.”.

This is what the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, says: Add burnt offerings to the peace offerings and eat meat.

Because on the day I brought your ancestors out of the land of Egypt, I did not mention or command them about burnt offerings and peace offerings.

I only command them this one thing: Listen to my voice, and I will be your God and you will be my people. Do all the ways that I command you, and you will be blessed.

But they did not listen, did not tilt their ears, and instead followed their own strategies and stubborn disgust, moving back and not moving forward.

From the day your ancestors left the land of Egypt until today, I have sent my servants the prophets to you, waking up early every day and sending them.

But you did not listen, did not turn your ears to listen, but hardened your necks and committed evil more than your ancestors.

You will tell them all these words, but they will not listen. Call them, but they refuse.

You must say to them, ‘This is a nation that does not listen to the word of the Lord their God and does not receive teaching.’. From their mouths, honesty is extinct.

Cut your hair and abandon it, O Jerusalem, and mourn in the high places of pure light. Because the Lord has abandoned the generation that provoked his wrath.

The Lord said, Judah has done evil in my eyes, and has set up detestable things in the house called by my name to defile it.

They built the high altar of Tophet in the valley of Hinnom, to burn their children in the fire. This is not what I ordered, nor is it the intention in my heart.

Therefore, the days are coming, and this place will no longer be called Tophet and the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, but rather the Valley of Slaughter, says the Lord. Because there was no place to bury the body in Tophet.

And the corpses of this people shall be food for the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth, and no one shall drive them away.

At that time, I will put an end to the sounds of joy and joy in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem, as well as the voices of the groom and bride, because the land will become desolate.

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