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Isaiah_Chapter 28

Woe to the drunkards of Ephraim, who dwell on the mountains of the fertile valley. Their h…

Woe to the drunkards of Ephraim, who dwell on the mountains of the fertile valley. Their hearts are proud, and they crown their boasting like withered flowers.

See, the Lord has a great and mighty one, like a hail, like a destructive storm, like a overflowing flood; he will throw the crown to the ground with his hands.

The proud drunkard of Ephraim will have his crown trampled under his feet.

The withered flower of Rongmei, which is on the fertile valley mountain, will be like the first ripe fig before summer. Those who see this fruit should pay attention and swallow it as soon as they reach their hands.

On that day, the Lord of hosts will be a crown of glory and a crown of glory for his remaining people.

He also became the spirit of justice for those who rise up in power, and the power to repel enemies at the city gate.

Even the people of this place are swaying with wine and swaying with strong wine. The priests and prophets were swayed by the strong wine, trapped by it, and swayed from side to side due to the strong wine. They misunderstood and acted falsely in judgment.

Because all the seats were filled with vomit and filth, not a single spot was clean.

Those who mock prophets say, “Who will he teach knowledge to?”? Who should understand the rumor? Is it the one who just weaned and left the pregnancy?

He ordered an increase in order, an increase in order, an increase in order, and an increase in order.

The prophet said, No, I will speak to this people mainly through the lips of foreigners and the tongues of foreigners.

He once said to them, Give rest to the weary. Only in this way can we rest and feel comfortable. But they refused to listen.

So the word that the Lord spoke to them was to add commandments to commandments, commandments to commandments, commandments to commandments, commandments to commandments, commandments to commandments, commandments to commandments, commandments to commandments, commandments to commandments, commandments to commandments, commandments to commandments, commandments to commandments, commandments to commandments, commandments to commandments, commandments to commandments, commandments to commandments, commandments to commandments.

So you mockers, who rule over this people living in Jerusalem, listen to the word of the Lord.

You once said, We have made a covenant with death and formed an alliance with the underworld. The whip of the enemy will not come upon us when it is overflowing like water. Because we take lies as a refuge and hide beneath falsehood.

Therefore thus says the Lord GOD, See, I have laid a stone in Zion as a foundation, a tested stone, a steadfast foundation, a precious corner stone; those who trust will not be in haste.

I will take fairness as the criterion and righteousness as the line. Hailstones will wash away the refuge of lies, and great waters will overflow their hiding places.

The covenant you have made with death will surely come to an end, and the covenant you have made with the underworld will not be able to stand. When the enemy’s whip rises like a flood and passes by, he will trample on you.

Every time you pass by, you will be taken captive. Because he will pass by every morning, day and night. Those who understand rumors will be frightened.

Originally, the bed was short, making it difficult for people to relax. The bed is narrow, making it impossible for people to cover themselves.

The Lord will rise up, like in Mount Pelazim, he will be angry, like in the valley of Gibeon, so that his work may be completed, it may be extraordinary, and his work may be accomplished, it may be strange.

Now do not mock, for the ropes that bind you may be even stronger. For I have heard from the Lord, the Lord of hosts, that it has been decided to carry out the act of destruction on all the earth.

Listen closely to my voice and pay attention to my words.

Is the land that needs to be sown constantly cultivated? Do we often cultivate and rake up land?

He leveled the ground, didn’t he just sow fennel, sow big fennel, plant wheat in rows and rows, plant barley in designated locations, and plant coarse wheat at the edge of the field?

Because his God taught him the propriety of farming and taught him.

Originally, there was no need to use sharp tools to crush small fennel, and no need to use a threshing wheel to crush large fennel. But use a stick to beat small fennel and a stick to beat large fennel.

The grain used for making cakes is ground and ground, because it does not need to be beaten frequently. Although scattered with a threshing wheel and a horse, it is not sharpened.

This is also from the Lord of armies. His strategies are wonderful, his wisdom is vast.


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