圣经 Isaiah Isaiah_Chapter 55

Isaiah_Chapter 55

All of you who are thirsty should come near the water. Those without silver can also come. You all come and buy something to eat. Buy wine and milk without money or value.

Why do you spend money (in the original text) to buy things that are not enough for food, and to buy things that do not satisfy people with what you have earned through labor? Pay attention and listen to my words, so that you can eat the beautiful food, enjoy fat and sweetness, and have joy in your heart.

You should come to me nearby. If you listen attentively, you will come to life. I will make an eternal covenant with you, promising David the steadfast grace.

I have made him a witness to all the people, a king and commander of all the people.

You will also summon the people you do not know. Even the people who do not know you will run towards you because of the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel. Because he has already honored you.

Search for the Lord when he can be found, and call on him when he is near.

Evil people should abandon their own path. The unrighteous should remove their thoughts and turn to the Lord, and the Lord will have mercy on them. They should turn to our God, for God will grant forgiveness widely.

My thoughts are not with your thoughts, my ways are not with your paths, says the Lord.

As heaven is higher than the earth, so is my path, higher than your path, my thoughts, higher than your thoughts.

Rain and snow fall from the sky and do not return, but they nourish the earth, making it sprout and bear fruit, giving seed to those who sow and food to eat.

The words that come out of my mouth will also be like this: they will not return in vain, but they will accomplish what I am pleased with, and they will prosper in what I send them to accomplish.

You will come out with joy and joy, guided in peace and safety. The mountains and small hills will speak and sing before you. The trees in the fields are also applauding.

Pine trees grow instead of thorns. Guava grows instead of thistles. This will be a name for the Lord, as an eternal evidence that cannot be cut off.

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