
Exodus_Chapter 25

The Lord spoke to Moses, saying,

Tell the Israelites to send me a gift, and if anyone is willing and willing, you can accept it for me.

The gifts to be received are gold, silver, and copper,

Blue, purple, vermilion thread, fine linen, goat wool,

Red dyed ram skin, seal skin, soapwood,

The oil for lighting is used as a ointment and a fragrant spice,

Red agate and other gemstones can be set on the ephod and breastplate.

Make a sanctuary for me, so that I may dwell among them.

Make the tabernacle and all its utensils according to the pattern I have instructed you.

Make a cabinet of soapwood, two and a half cubits long, one and a half cubits wide, and one and a half cubits high.

The interior and exterior should be covered with fine gold, and the edges should be inlaid with gold teeth.

Also, cast four golden rings and place them on the four legs of the cabinet, with two rings on one side and two rings on the other.

Make two poles of soapwood and wrap them with gold.

You need to thread the bars into the ring next to the cabinet in order to lift it.

This pole must always be inside the ring of the cabinet and cannot be pulled out.

And I will put the Testament that I will give you in the ark.

Make a mercy seat of pure gold, two and a half cubits long and one and a half cubits wide.

Hammer out two cherubim with gold and place them on both ends of the throne of grace.

Make one cherubim on one end and one cherubim on the other end, and the two cherubims should be placed together on both ends of the throne of grace.

The two cherubim shall spread their wings high, covering the throne of grace. The cherubim faced each other, facing the throne of grace.

Place the throne of grace on top of the ark, and put the testimony I will give you in the ark.

I will meet with you there, and I will tell you from between the two cherubim on the throne of the Testament of Grace, all the things that I will command you to preach to the Israelites.

Make a table of soapwood, two cubits long, one cubit wide, and one and a half cubits high.

Wrap it in pure gold and set it with gold teeth on all sides.

A palm wide crossbeam was made around the table, with gold teeth inlaid on the crossbeam.

Make four golden rings and place them on the four corners of the table, which are the four corners on the four legs of the table.

The place where the ring is placed should be close to the crossbeam, and the table can be lifted through the bars.

Make two poles of soapwood and wrap them with gold to lift the table.

To make dishes, spoons, and wine vessels on the table, they must be made of fine gold.

And he shall set the shewbread before me on the table.

Make a lampstand of pure gold. The base, stem, cup, ball, and flower of the lamp stand must be hammered out one by one.

Six branches should branch out on both sides of the lamp stand, three on one side and three on the other.

On each branch here are three cups shaped like apricot flowers, with balls and flowers. On each branch there are also three cups shaped like apricot flowers, with balls and flowers. The six branches branching out from the lamp stand are all like this.

There are four cups on the lampstand, shaped like apricot blossoms, with balls and flowers.

Below every two branches of the lamp stand, there is a ball connected to the branches. The six branches from the lamp stand are all like this.

The ball and the branch must be hammered together from a single piece of pure gold.

To make seven lamps for the lampstand. The priest ordered this lamp to contrast the light.

The wax scissors and wax trays of the lamp stand also need to be made of pure gold.

Make a lampstand and all these utensils with a talent of pure gold.

Be careful when making these objects, and follow the pattern shown to you on the mountain.

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