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Esther_Chapter 2

After this, the anger of King Ahasuerus subsided, and he remembered Vashti and her actions…

After this, the anger of King Ahasuerus subsided, and he remembered Vashti and her actions, and how he ordered to deal with her.

So the king’s attendants said to the king, “It’s better to find a beautiful virgin for the king.”.

The king may send officials to gather beautiful virgins in various provinces of the country to the women’s courtyards in Shushan City, and hand them over to the eunuch Higai, who is in charge of the women, to provide them with necessary incense.

The woman whom the king loves can be enthroned as queen, replacing Vashti. The king regarded this matter as beautiful and did so.

There was a Jewish man named Mordecai in Shushan City, who was the great grandson of Kish, a Benjamite, and the son of Jair, the son of Shimei.

Once upon a time, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon abducted King Jeconiah of Judah (also known as Jehoiachin) and the people from Jerusalem, and Mordecai was also among them.

Mordecai raised his uncle’s daughter Hadassah (later named Esther) because she had no parents. This woman is also beautiful in appearance. When her parents died, Mordecai took her as his daughter.

When the king’s edict came out, he summoned many women to the city of Shushan and handed them over to Higai, who was in charge of the women. Esther was also sent to the palace and delivered to Hechai.

Hechai was pleased with Esther and treated her kindly. Hurriedly gave her the necessary spices and the portion she deserved, and sent seven palace maids to serve her, so that she and her palace maids could move into a good house above the women’s courtyard.

Esther did not disclose her place of origin or clan to anyone, because Mordecai instructed her not to let anyone know.

Mordecai walked daily in front of the women’s court, knowing whether Esther was safe and what would happen afterwards.

All women are required to cleanse their bodies for twelve months as usual. Six months with myrrh oil, six months with spices and cleansers. After the deadline was met, he went in one by one to meet King Ahasuerus.

The woman went in to see the king like this. When she goes from the women’s court to the royal palace, everything she needs must be given to her.

Go in at night, return to the women’s second courtyard the next day, and hand it over to the eunuch Shajia, who is in charge of the concubines. Unless the king likes her and nominates and summons her, he will not go in to see the king again.

When Esther, the daughter of Abihail, the uncle of Mordecai, who Mordecai had taken as his own daughter, went in order to meet the king, she had no other request except for the eunuch Haggai, who was appointed to be in charge of the women. Everyone who sees Esther is pleased with her.

In the tenth month of the seventh year of King Ahasuerus, which was the month of Tiber, Esther was brought into the palace to appear before the king.

The king loved Esther more than all the daughters, and she was favored more than all the virgins in the king’s sight. The king put the queen’s crown on her head and made her the queen instead of Vashti.

The king made a great feast for the leaders and servants for Esther’s sake, exempted the provinces from taxes, and bestowed great rewards according to the king’s kindness.

When the virgins were gathered for the second time, Mordecai sat at the court gate.

Esther, as Mordecai had instructed, had not yet revealed her place of origin or family. Because Esther obeyed Mordecai’s orders, just as she had raised her.

At that time, Mordecai was sitting at the court gate, and there were two gatekeepers among the king’s eunuchs, Bitan and Tired, who were angry with King Ahasuerus and wanted to harm him.

When Mordecai found out, he told Queen Esther. Esther reported to the king in the name of Mordecai.

After investigating this matter, it was indeed true. He hung the two of them on a wood and wrote it in history before the king.


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