首页 Esther Esther_Chapter 5

Esther_Chapter 5

On the third day, Esther put on her court uniform and entered the inner courtyard of the p…

On the third day, Esther put on her court uniform and entered the inner courtyard of the palace, standing opposite the palace. The king sat on a throne in the palace, facing the gate.

When the king saw Queen Esther standing in the courtyard, he showed her kindness and extended the golden staff in his hand. Esther touched the head of the staff forward.

The king said to her, Queen Esther, what do you want. What do you ask for? Even half of the kingdom will be given to you.

Esther said, If it please the king, let him bring Haman to the banquet I have prepared today.

The king said, ‘Ask Haman to quickly follow Esther’s words.’. So the king took Haman to the banquet prepared by Esther.

Before the banquet, the king asked Esther again, “What do you want? I will give it to you.”. What do you ask for? Even half of the country will achieve it for you.

Esther replied, “I have something to ask for, I have a request.”.

If I find favor in the sight of the king, and the king is willing to give me what I ask and allow me what I ask, then let the king bring Haman and come to the banquet that I am preparing. Tomorrow I will follow the instructions that the king asked.

On that day, Haman came out with joy and joy in his heart. But when Mordecai did not stand up at the court gate and did not move, he was filled with anger.

Haman patiently went home for the time being and asked for his friend and his wife Selis to come.

Haman recounted to them his rich glory, his many children, and the king’s elevation of him above his leaders and servants.

Haman also said, Queen Esther shall prepare a feast, and no one shall come with the king except me. Tomorrow the queen invites me to accompany the king to the banquet.

But I saw Mordecai the Jew sitting at the court gate, and all this glory was of no benefit to me.

His wife Zeris and all his friends said to him, “It’s better to set up a wooden frame five zhang high and ask the king to hang Mordecai on it tomorrow morning. Then you can accompany the king to the banquet with joy.”. Haman praised these words and had someone make a wooden frame.


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