
Book of Ezekiel_Chapter 11

The spirit lifted me up and brought me to the east gate of the house of the Lord. Unexpectedly, there were twenty-five people at the entrance, and I saw among them were the leaders of the people, Jazaniah son of Azshuo and Perati son of Benaiah.

The Lord said to me, Son of man, this is the one who conspires against sin, plotting evil in this city.

They said that the time for building the house was not yet close. This city is a pot, we are meat.

Son of man, therefore prophesy, and prophesy against them.

The Spirit of the Lord came on me and said to me, “Say, ‘This is what the Lord says:’ O house of Israel, I know what you say with your mouth and what you think in your heart. ‘”.

You are killing more people in this city, filling the streets with those who have been killed.

Therefore thus says the Lord GOD, The people you kill in the city are flesh, and this city is a pot. But you will be taken out of it.

You are afraid of the sword, and I will bring the sword upon you. This is what the Lord Jehovah has said.

I will take you out of this city and deliver you into the hands of the Gentiles, and I will execute judgment among you.

You will fall by the sword. I will judge you in the borders of Israel, and you will know that I am the Lord.

This city will not be your pot, nor will you make its flesh. I will judge you in the borders of Israel,

You will know that I am the Lord. Because you have not followed my laws or followed my judgments, but have followed the evil rules of the nations around you.

While I was prophesying, Perati, the son of Benaiah, died. So I knelt down on the ground and shouted loudly, “Ah.”. Lord Jehovah, will you completely destroy the remaining people of Israel?

The word of the Lord came to me, saying,

Son of man, the inhabitants of Jerusalem say to your brothers, your people, your relatives, and all the house of Israel, saying to the people, Stay far from the Lord. This land is given to us as an inheritance.

Therefore say, This is what the Lord has said: Although I have moved all the house of Israel far away among the nations, and scattered them among the nations, I will make them a temporary sanctuary in the nations where they have come.

You shall say, This is what the Lord GOD says: I will gather you from all the people, from the scattered nations, and give you the land of Israel.

They will go there and remove all detestable and detestable things from it.

I will give them a unified heart, and I will put a new spirit into them. I will remove the stone heart from their flesh and give them a flesh heart,

Let them follow my laws and keep and walk in my judgments. They will be my people, and I will be their God.

As for those whose hearts follow the detestable and detestable things, I will bring retribution upon their heads according to their deeds. This is what the Lord Jehovah has said.

So the cherubim spread out their wings, and the wheels were beside them. Above them lies the glory of the God of Israel.

The glory of the Lord ascended from the city and stopped on the mountain east of the city.

The spirit lifted me up and brought me into the land of Chaldea to the captives in a vision through the spirit of God. The vision I saw rose away from me.

I will tell the exiles all that the Lord has instructed me.

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