
Book of Ezekiel_Chapter 10

I looked and saw the shape of a sapphire in the sky above the head of the cherubim, resembling the image of a throne.

The Lord said to the man clothed in fine linen, “Go in and fill your hands with charcoal from the middle of the cherubim under the rotating wheel, and sprinkle it on the city.”. I saw him enter.

When the man entered, the cherubim stood on the right side of the temple, and the cloud filled the inner courtyard.

The glory of the Lord ascended from the cherubim and stopped above the threshold. The temple is filled with clouds, and the courtyard is filled with the glory of the Lord.

The sound of the wings of the cherubim was heard in the outer courtyard, like the voice of the Almighty God speaking.

He commanded the man clothed in fine linen to take fire from among the cherubim inside the spinning wheel. That person went in and stood next to a wheel.

A cherub reached out his hand from among the cherubims to the fire in between, took some and put it in the hands of the man clothed in linen, and the man took it out.

Under the wings of the cherubim, there was a pattern of human hands.

I looked again and saw four wheels next to the cherubim. There is a wheel next to this cherub, and another wheel next to that cherub. This is true for every cherub. The color of the wheels (in the original text, the shape) resembles that of aquamarine jade.

As for the shape of the four wheels, they all have the same style, as if the wheels are nested inside.

When the wheel travels, it can travel straight in all directions without turning around. Wherever their heads go, they follow suit and do not turn when walking.

Their entire body, including their backs, hands, and wings, was covered with eyes around the wheels. These four cherubim wheels are all like this.

As for these wheels, I heard in my ears that they were rotating.

The cherubim each has four faces, the first being the face of the cherubim, the second being the face of a man, the third being the face of a lion, and the fourth being the face of an eagle.

The cherubim ascended up. This is the living creature I saw by the Jabalu River.

The cherubim walked, and the wheels also walked beside them. The cherubim spread out their wings and rose up from the ground, and the wheels did not turn away from them.

Those stop, these also stop. Those who rise, these also rise together, because the spirit of living beings is in the wheel.

The glory of the Lord went out from the threshold of the temple and stopped above the cherubim.

When the cherubim went out, he spread out his wings and rose from the ground before my eyes. The wheels are also beside them, all stopping at the east entrance of the temple of the Lord. Above them lies the glory of the God of Israel.

These are the living creatures below the glory of the God of Israel that I saw by the river Gebaru, and I knew they were cherubim.

Each has four faces and four wings, with human hands below the wings.

As for the appearance of their faces and bodies, they were what I had seen before by the banks of the Jabalu River. They all went straight ahead.

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