首页 Book of Ezekiel Book of Ezekiel_Chapter 19

Book of Ezekiel_Chapter 19

Let us mourn for the king of Israel, Say, what is your mother? She is a lioness, crouching…

Let us mourn for the king of Israel,

Say, what is your mother? She is a lioness, crouching among the lions and raising her cubs among the young ones.

Raise one of its little lions and become a young lion, learning to catch food and eat humans.

When the nations heard it, they caught it in their pit and pulled it with hooks to the land of Egypt.

The mother lion saw that she had lost hope in waiting, so she raised another young lion out of her cubs.

It walked back and forth among the lions, becoming a young lion, learning to catch food and eat people.

It knows the palaces of nations and turns their cities into ruins. Because of its roaring voice, the whole land and everything within it are abandoned.

So the people from all the provinces of the surrounding countries came to attack it, casting their nets on it and capturing it in their pits.

They hooked it with hooks, placed it in a cage, and brought it to the king of Babylon. They placed it in a fortified place, so that its voice could no longer be heard on the mountains of Israel.

Your mother was like a vine, extremely lush in your blood, planted by the water. Because there is plenty of water, it bears more fruits and is full of branches.

Produce sturdy branches that can serve as a staff for those in power. This branch stands tall among the dense branches, and it grows tall with numerous branches that can be seen from afar.

But this grape tree was uprooted and thrown to the ground in anger. The east wind dries the fruits on it, the sturdy branches break and wither, and are destroyed by fire.

Now planted in the wilderness, dry and waterless land.

Fire also emanates from its branches, devouring the fruit, so that there is no sturdy branch to serve as a scepter for rulers. This is a lamentation, and it must also be used as a lamentation.


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