Book of Ezekiel_Chapter 1
On the fifth day of the fourth month in the thirtieth year, Ezekiel opened the heavens and saw a vision of God among the exiles by the river Gebaru.
On the fifth day of the fourth month in the fifth year of King Jehoiachin’s captivity,
The word of the Lord came specifically to Ezekiel the priest, the son of Buzi, in the land of the Chaldeans, by the river Gebaru. The hand of the Lord descended on him.
I watched and saw a strong wind blowing from the north, accompanied by a large cloud including flickering fire, surrounded by radiance. From within the fire emanated like shining fine gold.
Four living creatures were revealed from it. Their shape is like this, with the image of a person,
Each has four faces and four wings.
Their legs are straight, and their feet are like the hooves of a calf, shining like bright copper.
There are human hands below the wings on all four sides. The faces and wings of these four living creatures are like this,
Wings connected to each other, walking without turning around, each moving straight forward.
As for the appearance of the face, there are faces of people in front, lions on the right, cows on the left, and eagles on the back.
The two wings on each side are connected, while the two wings on each side cover the body.
They all went straight ahead. Wherever the spirit goes, they go, walking without turning around.
As for the images of the four living creatures, they are like burning charcoal or torches. Fire rises and falls between the four living creatures, and this fire has radiance, emitting lightning from within.
This living creature runs back and forth, as if a flash of lightning.
When I was looking at the living creatures, I saw a wheel on the ground beside each of their faces.
The shape and color of the wheel are like that of aquamarine jade. The four wheels are all of the same style, with a shape and construction resembling a wheel in a wheel.
When the wheel travels, it can travel straight in all directions without turning around.
As for the wheels, they are tall and intimidating. There are eyes all around the four wheels.
Living creatures walk, and wheels also walk beside them. Living creatures rise from the ground, and the wheels also rise.
Wherever the spirit goes, the living will go. When a living creature rises, the wheel also rises beside it, because the spirit of the living creature is in the wheel.
Those who walk, these also walk. Those stop, these also stop. Those who rise from the ground also rise beside the wheel, because the spirit of living creatures is in the wheel.
Above the heads of living creatures, there is an image of a sky that looks like a terrifying crystal, spreading out above their heads.
Below the sky, the wings of living creatures spread out straight, facing each other. Each living creature has two wings covering its body.
As living creatures walk, I hear the sound of their wings, like the sound of a flood, like the sound of the Almighty, like the roar of an army. When a living creature stands still, it droops its wings.
There is a sound above the sky above their heads. When they stood still, they let down their wings.
Above their heads, above the sky, there is the image of a throne, like a sapphire. Above the image of the throne, there is a humanoid shape.
I saw pure gold from above his waist, as if it were shining, with the shape of fire all around. I also saw the shape of fire from below his waist, with radiance all around.
On a rainy day, the shape of a rainbow in the clouds is the same as the shape of the surrounding radiance. This is the image of the glory of the Lord. As soon as I saw it, I fell to the ground and heard another voice speaking.