
Book of Ezekiel_Chapter 16

The word of the Lord came to me again, saying,

Son of man, make Jerusalem aware of her detestable things,

This is what the Lord Jehovah says to Jerusalem: You are fundamentally, you were born in the land of Canaan. Your father is an Amorite, and your mother is a Hittite.

As for the state of your birth, I did not cut off your umbilical cord or wash you with water in the day of your birth, to cleanse you, and did not sprinkle any salt on you, nor did I wrap you in cloth.

No one’s eyes pity you, they do such a thing for you to pity you. But the day you were born was thrown into the fields because you were despised.

I passed by you and saw you rolling in the blood, so I said to you, Although you are in the blood, you can still survive. Although you are in blood, you can still survive.

I have made you grow like what grows in the fields, and you have gradually grown to be extremely beautiful. Your breasts have formed, your hair has grown, but you are still naked.

I passed by you and saw that you were in love, so I draped my shirt over you to cover your bare body. Swear to you again, form an alliance with you, and you will belong to me. This is what the Lord Jehovah has said.

At that time, I washed you with water, washed the blood off your body, and wiped you with oil.

I will also dress you in embroidered clothes, and put on fur shoes for your feet. I will tie your waist with fine linen, and cover you with silk,

I will adorn you with ornaments, put bracelets on your hands, and put gold chains on your neck.

I will also put a ring on your nose, earrings on your ears, and a crown on your head.

In this way, you will have gold and silver decorations, wearing fine linen clothes and silk, and embroidered clothes. I ate fine noodles, honey, and oil. You are also extremely beautiful, developed to the dignity of a queen.

Your reputation for beauty is spread among the nations, and you are very beautiful because of the glory I have bestowed upon you. This is what the Lord Jehovah has said.

Just because of your own beauty, and because of your reputation, you engage in debauchery. You indulge in debauchery, allowing passersby to act recklessly.

You adorn yourself with clothing on high places and engage in debauchery. Such things will not happen in the future, and they will no longer be done.

You have also made images of yourself with the beautiful gold, silver, and precious objects that I have given you, and have committed adultery with them.

Put your embroidered clothes on him, and set my ointment and spices before him.

And he set before him the food that I gave you, the fine flour, oil, and honey that I gave you to eat, as a fragrant offering. This is what the Lord Jehovah has said.

And you will burn the children I have given birth to and offer them to him.

Is it a small thing for you to commit adultery, that you have killed my children and caused them to return to him through the fire?

You have done all these detestable and lewd things, and have not remembered the days when you were naked and rolled in the blood in your youth.

After you have done all these evil things, says the Lord GOD, Woe to you! Woe to you

He also built a dome shaped flower tower for himself and made high platforms on various streets.

You have built high towers at all the entrances of the market, making your beauty detestable, and have committed adultery with all those who pass by.

You have also engaged in fornication with the Egyptians who indulged in lust with your neighbors, increasing your promiscuity and provoking me to anger.

Therefore, I stretched out my hand to attack you, reducing the amount of food you used, and handed you over to the daughters of the Philistines who hated you, so that they would treat you as they pleased. They are ashamed of your lewd behavior.

You are insatiable for your lust, and you have committed adultery with the Assyrians. Even after committing adultery with them, you are still dissatisfied,

And engage in debauchery until the land of trade, which is Chaldea, you are still dissatisfied.

The Lord GOD says, You have done all these things without shame, the work of a prostitute. This shows how weak your heart is.

For you have built round topped flower towers at all the entrances, and made high platforms in every street, yet you have despised rewards, not like prostitutes.

Hey. You lewd wife, you would rather take an outsider than a husband.

All prostitutes are given as gifts, but you give them as gifts to those you love, bribing them to come from all around and commit adultery with you.

You engage in sexual activity in contrast to other women, because no one engages in sexual activity from you. If you give to someone, they will not give to you. So you are the opposite of other women.

You prostitute, listen to the word of the Lord.

This is what the Lord GOD says: Because your filth has been poured out, and you have committed adultery with those you love, exposing your lower body, and because you have worshipped all your detestable idols, shedding the blood of your children to offer them,

I will gather all your lovers and all your haters, and attack you from all around. Expose your lower body again, allowing them to see through.

I will also judge you, just as a judge judges adulterous women and women who shed blood. I have brought upon you the sins of bloodshed due to my anger and jealousy.

I will hand you over to them again. They will demolish your dome and flower tower, destroy your high platform, strip away your clothes, take away your beautiful treasures, and leave you naked.

They will also bring many people to attack you, stone you to death, and pierce you through with their swords,

Burn your house with fire, and judge you before the eyes of many women. I will make you no longer engage in fornication, nor will you give gifts to anyone.

In this way, I will put an end to my anger towards you, and my hatred will leave you. I will be quiet and no longer angry.

Because you did not remember your childhood days and were angry with me in all these things, I will repay you on your head according to your actions, and you will no longer engage in debauchery and do all those detestable things. This is what the Lord Jehovah has said.

Anyone who speaks slang will attack you with slang, saying, ‘Like a mother, so will a daughter.’.

You are your mother’s daughter, who despises her husband and children. You are your sisters’s sisters, who hates her husband and children. Your mother is a Hittite, and your father is an Amorite.

Your sister is Samaria, and she lives on your left with her daughters. Your sister is Sodom, and she lives on your right with her daughters.

You did not imitate their behavior, nor did you do what they detest. You consider it a small matter, but all your actions are worse than theirs.

As I live forever, declares the Lord GOD, your sister Sodom and her daughters have not yet done what you and your daughters have done.

See, the sin of your sister Sodom is like this: she and her daughters are proud and full of food, enjoying great comfort, and have not helped the hands of the poor and needy.

They are arrogant and do detestable things in front of me, and when I see them, I will eliminate them.

Samaria has not committed half of your sins. You have committed more abominations than she has, so that your sisters may be justified by all the abominations you have committed.

When you have judged your sisters to be righteous, bear your own shame. Because the sins you have committed are more detestable than theirs, they are more righteous than you. If you justify your sisters, you will be ashamed and bear your own shame.

I will bring back the captives of them, Sodom and her daughters, Samaria and her daughters, and the captives among you,

So that you may bear your own shame and be comforted by all your actions, so that you may be ashamed.

Your sister Sodom and her daughters will return to their original positions. Samaria and her daughters, you and your daughters, will also return to their original positions.

On your proud days, before your evil deeds are revealed, your mouth will not mention your sister Sodom. The daughters of Aram who have suffered humiliation and the daughters of the Philistines around Aram all hate you and despise you.

The Lord has said, You have taken responsibility for your debauchery and detestable things.

This is what the Lord GOD says: You who despise the oath and break the covenant, I will do to you as you have done.

However, I will remember the covenant I made with you in your youth, and I will also make an eternal covenant with you.

When you receive your sister and sister, remember what you have done and feel ashamed. And I will give them to you as daughters, but not as promised.

I will strengthen my covenant with you (and you will know that I am the Lord),

So that when I forgive you for all your actions, you may remember in your heart, feel ashamed, and not speak again because of your shame. This is what the Lord Jehovah has said.

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