圣经 Book of Ezekiel Book of Ezekiel_Chapter 44

Book of Ezekiel_Chapter 44

He took me back to the east facing outer gate of the holy land. The door has closed.

The Lord said to me, This door must be closed and not opened, and no one shall enter through it. Because the Lord, the God of Israel, has entered through it, it must be closed.

As for the king, he will sit in his place and eat bread before the Lord. He will enter and exit through the corridor of this door.

He took me from the north gate to the front of the hall. I looked and saw the glory of the Lord filling the temple of the Lord, and I fell to the ground.

The Lord said to me, Son of man, all the laws and regulations of the temple of the Lord that I have spoken to you, put them in your heart, see them with your eyes and hear them with your ears, and pay attention to all the entrances and exits of the temple and the holy land.

Say to the rebellious house of Israel, Thus says the Lord GOD: O house of Israel, be content with all your abominations.

When you offered my food, my fat and blood, and brought uncircumcised foreigners into my holy land, you defiled my temple. You have broken my covenant again and added this layer to all your detestable things.

You did not guard my sacred things, but you sent someone else to guard what I commanded you in the holy land.

This is what the Lord GOD says: No foreigner in Israel, whether physically or mentally uncircumcised, shall enter my holy land.

When the Israelites go astray, the Levites will stay far from me, even if they go astray and follow their idols, they will bear their sins.

However, they will serve as servants in my holy land, taking care of the gates of the temple and serving in the temple. I will slaughter burnt offerings and peace offerings for the people, and I will stand before the people to serve them.

Because these Levites served this people before their idols and became a stumbling block to the iniquity of the house of Israel, I swear to them that they will bear their own iniquity. This is what the Lord Jehovah has said.

They shall not come near me to serve as priests, nor shall they come near one of my holy things, which is the most holy. But they shall bear their own shame and the retribution of their detestable deeds.

However, I will make them guard the temple, handle all its affairs, and do all its work.

When the Israelites wandered away from me, the descendants of the Levite priest Zadok continued to guard my sanctuary. They will come close to me, serve me, and stand before me, offering me fat and blood. This is what the Lord Jehovah has said.

They will enter my sanctuary and come near my table to serve me and keep my commands.

They must wear fine linen clothes when entering the inner courtyard door. Woolen clothing is not allowed to be worn while working at the inner courtyard gate and inside the palace.

They need to wear linen headscarves on their heads and linen pants around their waist. Do not wear clothes that make the body sweat.

When they go out to the people in the outer courtyard, they should take off their ceremonial clothes and put them in the holy house, wearing other clothes, so that the people may not be sanctified by the holy garments.

Do not shave your head, do not let your hair strands grow long, only cut your hair.

Priests are not allowed to drink alcohol when entering the inner court.

Widows and divorced women shall not be taken as wives; only virgins of the descendants of Israel or widows left by priests shall be taken.

They will make my people aware of the distinction between the holy and the vulgar, and make them distinguish between the clean and the unclean.

When there is a dispute, they should stand and judge according to my laws. In all my festivals, I will keep my laws and regulations, and my Sabbath will be holy.

They shall not come near the dead body to contaminate themselves, but only for their father, mother, son, daughter, brother, and unmarried sisters.

After the priest is cleansed, he must count seven more days.

On the day when he enters the inner courtyard, enters the sanctuary, and serves in the sanctuary, he shall offer a sin offering for himself. This is what the Lord Jehovah has said.

The priests will have an inheritance, and I am their inheritance. Do not give them an inheritance in Israel. I am their foundation.

They may eat the grain offering, the sin offering, and the guilt offering, and all the eternal offerings in Israel shall belong to them.

First of all, the firstfruits and all offerings shall be given to the priests. You must also use the first ripe wheat to grind flour and give it to the priests. In this way, good fortune will come to your homes.

Regardless of whether it is a bird or a beast, the priest shall not eat anything that dies or is torn apart.

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