Book of Ezekiel_Chapter 38
The word of the Lord came to me, saying,
Son of man, prophesy and attack the kings of Gog in all the land of Mach, which is the king of Roche, Mesheth, and Tubah,
Thus says the Lord GOD, I am against you, O King Gog of Roche, Mesheth, and Tubah.
I will hook your cheeks with hooks, turn you around, and bring you and your army, horses, and cavalry out. They will be dressed neatly and become a large army, with shields of different sizes, each holding a sword.
The Persians, the Ethiopians, and the Ephesians each carried shields and wore helmets on their heads.
The people of Gomer and his army, the people of Togama and his army in the extreme north, many of these nations are with you.
All the teams gathered here should be prepared. You also need to prepare yourself and be their leader.
After many days, you will be dispatched. In the years to come, you will come to the land that has been taken back from the nations, free from the sword, to the mountains that have been desolate for a long time in Israel. But those who are gathered from among the nations will dwell in peace on it.
You and your army, along with many of your nations, will come up like a storm, covering the ground like a dense cloud.
This is what the Lord GOD says: At that time, your heart will be filled with thoughts and evil schemes,
Saying, I will go up to the walled countryside, and I will go to the quiet people, who have no walls, no gates, no bars, and live in peace.
I will go to plunder wealth as plunder, plunder goods as plunder, and turn my hand to attack the land that was once desolate but now inhabited by people, and to attack the people who lived in the middle of the world and gathered livestock and goods from the nations.
The people of Sheba, the people of Dedan, the merchants of Tarshish, and the young lions among them will all ask you, ‘Are you here to seize wealth as a prey?’? Do you gather your army to seize goods as plunder? Do you want to seize gold and silver, take away livestock and wealth? Do you want to seize many treasures as plunder?
Son of man, prophesy therefore, and say to Gog, Thus says the Lord GOD: Do you not know that on the day when my people Israel dwell in safety?
You will come from your own land, from the extreme north, with many nations on horseback, a large and numerous army.
O Gog, you will come up against my people Israel, like a cloud covering the ground. In the last days, I will bring you to attack my land, and when I appear holy in you in the eyes of the Gentiles, so that they may know me.
This is what the Lord has said: Is it you who I spoke through my servant the prophets of Israel in ancient times? On that day, they prophesied for many years that I would bring you to attack the Israelites.
“When Gog comes up to attack the land of Israel, my anger will come out of my nostrils,” declares the Lord GOD.
I am filled with indignation and anger like fire, saying, In that day there will be a great earthquake in the land of Israel,
Even the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the beasts of the field, and all the insects on the earth, and all the people on it, tremble at my presence. Mountains will collapse, steep rocks will collapse, and walls and walls will collapse.
I will command my mountains to send swords against Gog, declares the Lord GOD. Everyone will kill their brothers with a sword.
I will punish him with plague and bloodshed. And I will send rainstorm, hail and fire, and brimstone on him, on his army, and on all the people with him.
I will be great and holy, appearing in the eyes of many nations. They will know that I am the Lord.