Book of Ezekiel_Chapter 26
On the first day of the eleventh month in the eleventh year, the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
Son of man, because Tyre said to Jerusalem, Aha, the gate of the people has been destroyed and opened to me. Since she has become a wasteland, I will prosper.
Therefore, thus says the Lord GOD, O Tyre, I will be against you, causing many nations to come up against you, just as the sea brings waves up.
They will destroy the walls of Tyre and demolish her towers. I will also scrape away the dust and make her a pure rock of light.
She will be a place for drying nets in the sea, and she will become a spoil for the nations. This is what the Lord Jehovah has said.
The inhabitants of the cities of Tyre will be slain by the sword, and they will know that I am the Lord.
This is what the Lord GOD says: I will bring Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, with his horses, chariots, horsemen, and army, and many people from the north, to attack Tyre.
He will use the sword to destroy the inhabitants of your cities, and he will build a fortress and shield against you.
He will set up a ramming hammer to break through your walls and demolish your towers with iron tools.
Because of his many horses, dust rises up to cover you. He enters your city gate as if someone has entered a city with a breach. At that time, your walls will tremble with the sound of horsemen, chariots, and carts.
His horse hooves will trample on all your streets, and he will slay your inhabitants with the sword. Your sturdy pillar will fall to the ground.
People will take your treasures as plunder, your goods as plunder, destroy your walls, demolish your beautiful houses, and throw your stones, wood, and dust into the water.
I will make the sound of your singing cease, and no one will hear the sound of your playing the harp.
I will make you a pure rock of light, a place for drying nets. You shall not be built again, for this is what the Lord has said.
This is what the Lord has said to Tyre: Will not the islands tremble because of the sound of your downfall, when the wounded groan in the midst of your slaughter?
At that time, all the kings by the sea will go down, take off their royal robes, take off their floral robes, put on trembling clothes, sit on the ground, trembling at all times, and be amazed at you.
They will make a lamentation for you, saying, ‘You, this famous city, have been inhabited by sailors, and are the strongest on the sea.’. On weekdays, you and the residents make everyone living there fearful. How could it be destroyed now.
Now on this day of your downfall, all the islands will tremble. The islands in the sea are terrified when they see you disappear.
Thus says the Lord GOD, O Tyre, I have made you desolate, like a city without a dwelling. And let the deep waters overflow you, and the great waters drown you.
At that time, I will send you down to the underworld and dwell with the people of ancient times in the depths of the earth, in the long desolate land, so that you will no longer have any inhabitants. I will also show glory in the land of the living.
I will make you a terror, and you will no longer remain in the world. People may search for you, but they will never find you. This is what the Lord Jehovah has said.