圣经 Book of Ezekiel Book of Ezekiel_Chapter 4

Book of Ezekiel_Chapter 4

Son of man, take a brick and set it before you, and draw a city of Jerusalem on it,

And they besieged the city, built towers and fortifications, and set up camps to attack, and set up rammers to attack the city on all sides,

Take an iron griddle and place it between you and the city as an iron wall. You need to attack this city from the opposite side, trapping it. So that it may serve as a sign for the house of Israel.

Lie on your left side and bear the sins of the house of Israel. You shall bear their sins according to the number of days you lay on your left side.

For I have set the years of their wrongdoing as the days for you to lie on your left side, which is three hundred and ninety days. You shall bear the iniquity of the house of Israel in this way.

Moreover, after these days have been fulfilled, you will lie on your right side and bear the sins of the house of Judah. I have set a plan for you to lie on your side for forty days, one day for at least one year.

Expose your arm and face the besieged Jerusalem, prophesy and attack this city.

I bound you with ropes, so that you could not wander around until you were full of the days of siege.

You need to take wheat, barley, beans, red beans, millet, and barley and put them in a container to make your own cake. You should eat this cake for 390 days while lying on your side.

What you eat should be divided into two parts, twenty shekels per day, and eaten on time.

You should also follow the rules when drinking water, drinking one sixth of a hin every day, and drinking it on time.

You eat this cake like eating barley cakes, using human feces to barbecue in front of everyone.

The Lord said, The Israelites will also eat unclean food in the nations to which I have driven them.

I said, hey. O Lord GOD, I have never been defiled, from my youth until now I have not eaten anything that has died or been torn apart by wild beasts, and that detestable flesh has not entered my mouth.

So he said to me, “Look, I will give you cow dung instead of human dung, and you will bake your cake on it.”.

And he said to me, Son of man, I will break their rod in Jerusalem, that is, I will cut off their bread. They eat cakes in pairs and eat them with worry. Drink water according to the rules, and drink in panic.

Causing them to lack food and water, and to be terrified among themselves, consumed by their own sins.

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