首页 Exodus Exodus_Chapter 22

Exodus_Chapter 22

If a person steals an ox or a sheep, whether slaughtered or sold, he shall compensate five…

If a person steals an ox or a sheep, whether slaughtered or sold, he shall compensate five oxen for one ox and four sheep for one sheep.

If a person encounters a thief who has dug a hole and beaten him, resulting in death, they cannot bear the crime of bloodshed.

If the sun has already risen, then there is a sin of bloodshed for him. If a thief is caught, he will always be compensated. If he has nothing, he will be sold to cover what he has stolen.

If what he steals, whether it be cattle, donkeys, or sheep, still lives under his hands, he shall make double the compensation.

If a person releases livestock in a field or vineyard and allows them to go to someone else’s field to eat, they will compensate with the best of their own field and vineyard.

If the fire breaks out and burns thorns, so that it burns up the bundles of grain piled up by others, the standing crops, or the fields, then the one who ignites the fire will surely compensate.

If a person hands over money or furniture to their neighbor for safekeeping, and it is stolen from their home, and if the thief is found, the thief must compensate twice as much,

If the thief cannot be found, the homeowner must go to the nearest judge to see if he has taken the original owner’s belongings.

In the case of two people, whether it is for any offense, or for an ox, a donkey, a sheep, or a garment, or for any lost item, if one person says, ‘This is mine,’ the two parties shall report the case to the judge. The judge shall determine who is guilty, and whoever is found guilty shall receive double compensation.

If a person hands over a donkey, ox, sheep, or other livestock to their neighbor for safekeeping, and the livestock dies, gets injured, or is driven away without anyone seeing them,

The keeper shall swear by the Lord that he has not taken anything from his neighbor in his hand, and the owner shall give up, and the keeper shall not make amends.

If a livestock is stolen from a keeper, he shall compensate his owner,

If it is torn apart by wild beasts, the guardian shall bring it as evidence, and there shall be no need to compensate for what has been torn.

If a person borrows anything from their neighbor, whether it is injured or dead, and the Lord is not with them, the borrower must always repay it,

If the Lord is with him, he does not need to compensate, and if he is hired, he does not need to compensate; it is for the price of his employment.

If a person seduces a virgin who has not been hired and engages in sexual intercourse with her, he must always pay the dowry and marry her.

If the father of a woman refuses to give her to him, he must pay the money according to the dowry of a virgin.

A woman who practices witchcraft cannot be allowed to survive.

Anyone who engages in sexual intercourse with beasts must be put to death.

Those who offer sacrifices to other gods, not just to the Lord, will be destroyed.

Do not mistreat the sojourner, nor oppress him, for you were also sojourners in the land of Egypt.

Do not mistreat widows and orphans,

If I treat them a little harshly, and they plead with me, I will always listen to their cries,

And I will be angry and kill you with the sword, making your wives widows and your children orphans.

If you lend money to a poor person among my people who lives with you, do not take interest from him like a lender.

If you take your neighbor’s clothes as a pledge, you will return them before sunset,

Because he only has this one thing as a cover, which is the clothes he wears to cover his body. If not, what does he sleep with? He begged me, and I agreed, because I have grace.

Do not slander God, nor do you slander the officials of your people.

You shall offer the wine that drips from the grain and the wine press of your crops without delay. You want to give me your first son.

You, the first born of cattle and sheep, should do the same. Follow your mother for seven days and give it to me on the eighth day.

You must be a holy person in front of me. Therefore, you shall not eat the flesh of livestock torn by wild beasts in the field, but throw it to dogs to eat.


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