The Book of Amitabha_Chapter 7

Alas, I am like Israel, whose summer fruits have been harves...

The Book of Amitabha_Chapter 6

Listen to the word of the Lord, O Israelites. Get up and arg...

The Book of Amitabha_Chapter 5

O people in groups, gather now into a company. Because our e...

The Book of Amitabha_Chapter 4

In the last days, the mountain of the temple of the Lord wil...

The Book of Amitabha_Chapter 3

I say, O leaders of Jacob and officials of the house of Isra...

The Book of Amitabha_Chapter 1

During the reigns of King Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah of Juda...

The Book of Amitabha_Chapter 2

Woe to those who plot sin and commit evil on the bed. As soo...