首页 The Book of Amitabha The Book of Amitabha_Chapter 5

The Book of Amitabha_Chapter 5

O people in groups, gather now into a company. Because our enemies are besieging us, they …

O people in groups, gather now into a company. Because our enemies are besieging us, they will strike the faces of the judges of Israel with their staff.

Bethlehem, Ephrath, you are small among the cities of Judah. In the future, there will be one who will come out of you and be ruler over me in Israel. His roots have existed from ancient times, from the beginning.

The Lord will deliver the Israelites to their enemies, until the woman who gives birth will give birth. At that time, the other brothers of the ruler will return to the Israelites.

He will rise up and rely on the power of the Lord and the majesty of the name of the Lord his God to feed his flock. They want to live in peace. For he shall see greatness day by day, even to the ends of the earth.

This one will be our peace. When the Assyrians enter our territory and trample on the palaces, we set up seven shepherds and eight leaders to attack them.

They will destroy the land of Assyria and the gates of Nimrod with the sword. When the Assyrians enter our territory and trample on it, they will save us.

The remnant of Jacob will be among the people of many nations, like dew falling from the Lord, and like showers on the grass. Not relying on manpower, nor waiting for the achievements of the world.

The remnant of Jacob will be among many nations and peoples, like a lion among the beasts of the forest, and like a young lion among the flock. If he passes by, he will trample and tear, and there will be no one to rescue him.

May your hands be lifted up above your enemies, may all your enemies be cut off.

On that day, declares the Lord, I will cut off horses and destroy chariots from among you.

I will also destroy the cities from your land and demolish all the fortresses.

And I will remove the sorcery from your hands. You no longer have divination there.

I will destroy the carved idols and pillars from among you. You will no longer bow down to what your hands have made.

I will pull out the puppet from among you. Destroy your cities again.

I will also repay the nations that do not listen in anger and wrath.


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