首页 The Book of Amitabha The Book of Amitabha_Chapter 7

The Book of Amitabha_Chapter 7

Alas, I am like Israel, whose summer fruits have been harvested, and like the leftovers fr…

Alas, I am like Israel, whose summer fruits have been harvested, and like the leftovers from the harvest of grapes. There is nothing to eat, and my heart envies the freshly ripe figs.

The devout on earth are destroyed, and there is no upright person in the world. Everyone is ambushing, trying to kill and bleed. They all use nets to hunt down their brothers.

They do evil with their hands. Kings favor favor favor, and judges demand bribes. Spit out malicious intent with a high rank. They all collude with each other to commit evil.

Their best is nothing but a thorn. The most upright is nothing but a thorn fence. Your watchman said that the day of punishment has arrived. They will cause disturbance and unease.

Don’t rely on your neighbors. Don’t trust close friends. Keep your mouth shut and don’t mention it to your wife in your arms.

Because the son despises the father, the daughter resists the mother, and the daughter-in-law resists the mother-in-law. The enemy of a person is the people in their own family.

As for me, I will look to the Lord and wait for the God who saves me. My God will answer me.

My enemy, do not boast about me. I may fall, but I will rise. Although I sit in darkness, the Lord is my light.

I will endure the wrath of the Lord, for I have sinned against him. Just wait for him to defend my case and seek justice for me. He will lead me into the light, and I will see his righteousness.

At that time, my enemy, who had said to me, Where is the Lord your God? When he saw this, he was covered with shame. I will see his retribution with my own eyes. He will be trampled on like the soil on the street.

O Israel, the days will come, and your walls will be rebuilt. On that day, your realm will spread far away.

On that day, people will return to you from Assyria, from the cities of Egypt, from Egypt to the Great River, from one sea to another, from one mountain to another.

However, this place will inevitably become desolate due to the residents and the consequences of their actions.

May the Lord use your staff to feed your solitary people, the flock of your inheritance, in the forest of Mount Carmel. Please allow them to have food in Bashan and Gilead, just like in ancient times.

The Lord said, “I will show them strange things, just like when I came out of the land of Egypt.”.

When nations see this, they will be ashamed of their own power. They will cover their mouths with their hands and not listen.

They will lick the soil like snakes, and they will tremble as they walk in the belly of the soil, leaving their camp. They will fear and surrender to the Lord, and they will also fear because of our God.

God, what God is like you, forgiving sins and forgiving the sins of the people who are beyond your inheritance. Not always angry, loving kindness.

He will have mercy on us again, trampling our sins underfoot, and casting all our sins into the deep sea.

You will be faithful to Jacob and show mercy to Abraham, as you swore to our ancestors in ancient times.




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