首页 The Book of Amitabha The Book of Amitabha_Chapter 3

The Book of Amitabha_Chapter 3

I say, O leaders of Jacob and officials of the house of Israel, listen. Shouldn’t yo…

I say, O leaders of Jacob and officials of the house of Israel, listen. Shouldn’t you know fairness?

You are evil, good, and evil. Peel the skin off a person’s body and remove flesh from their bones.

Eating the flesh of my people, skinning them, breaking their bones, dividing them into pieces like they need to be cooked in a pot, and like the flesh in a cauldron.

When disaster strikes, these people will cry out to the Lord, but he will not answer them. At that time, he will hide his face from them according to their evil deeds.

When it comes to the prophets who have caused my people to go astray, they cry out, saying, Peace. And as for anyone who does not provide them with food, they will prepare to fight against him. This is what the Lord says:,

You will encounter darkness, so that you will not see any vision. And they will encounter darkness, so that they cannot prophesy. The sun will set towards you, and the day will become dark.

The seers will be ashamed, the diviners will be ashamed, and they will cover their lips, because God will not answer them.

As for me, through the Spirit of the Lord, I am full of strength, justice, and ability, to explain his sins to Jacob and to point out his sins to Israel.

Listen to my words, O leaders of the Jacob family and rulers of the Israel family. You detest fairness and distort integrity in all things.

Build Zion with human blood, and Jerusalem with iniquity.

Leaders judge for bribery, priests teach for wages, and prophets perform divination for silver and money. But they trusted in the Lord, saying, Is not the Lord among us? Disaster will not come to us.

Therefore, because of you, Zion will be plowed like a field, Jerusalem will become a pile of ruins, and the mountains of this temple will be like the high places of the jungle.


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