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The Book of Amitabha_Chapter 1

During the reigns of King Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah of Judah, Micah the Morishaite receiv…

During the reigns of King Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah of Judah, Micah the Morishaite received the vision of the Lord regarding Samaria and Jerusalem.

Listen, all people. Listen attentively to the ground and everything above it. The Lord Jehovah will bear witness against you from his temple.

See, the Lord has gone out of his dwelling place and descended upon the high places of the walking ground.

The mountains below him will digest, and the valleys will crumble like wax in fire, like water rushing down the slopes.

This is all because of Jacob’s sin and the sins of the house of Israel. Where is Jacob’s sin? Isn’t it in Samaria? Where is the high altar of Judah? Isn’t it in Jerusalem?

Therefore, I will turn Samaria into a pile of fields and a place for planting grapes. I will also pour her stones into the valley, revealing her foundation.

All her carved idols will be shattered, and all her possessions will be burned with fire. I will destroy all her idols. Because it was gathered from the price of a prostitute’s employment, it will later belong to the price of a prostitute’s employment.

The prophet said, Therefore will I mourn with a loud voice, walking barefoot and naked. Call out like wild dogs, mourn like ostriches.

Because the wounds of Samaria cannot be healed, they extend to the gates of our people in Judah and Jerusalem.

Don’t report this in Gath, never cry. I am rolling in the dust at Biafra.

O inhabitants of Shaphir, go naked and be ashamed. The residents of Sanan dare not come out. The mourning of the people of Berezel has left you with nowhere to stand.

The residents of Malud were very anxious and longed for good, because disaster came from the Lord to the gates of Jerusalem.

Residents of Raj, use fast horses to ride. The sin of the daughter of Zion shall arise from you. The sins of the Israelites have been revealed to you.

Judah, give the gift to Morishgad. The families of Achzel will deal deceitfully with the kings of Israel.

O inhabitants of Marisha, I will bring to you those who have taken you. The glory of Israel will come to Adullam.

Judah, cut off your hair and make your head bald for your beloved children. To be completely bald, like a bald eagle. Because they were all abducted and left you.




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