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Samuel’s note_Chapter 22

On the day when the Lord saved David from all his enemies and from the hand of Saul, he re…

On the day when the Lord saved David from all his enemies and from the hand of Saul, he read this poem to the Lord,

Saying, The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior,

My God, my Rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield, my horn of salvation, my tower, my refuge. My savior, you are the one who saved me from rape.

I demand praise from the Lord, so that I may be saved from the hands of my enemies.

The waves of death once surrounded me, and the torrents of bandits frightened me,

The ropes of the underworld entangle me, and the web of death approaches me.

I cry to the Lord in my distress and call out to my God. He heard my voice from the hall. My cry entered his ear.

At that time, because of his anger, the earth trembled and trembled. The foundation of the sky also shakes and shakes.

Smoke rose from his nostrils. Burning from his mouth, even charcoal caught fire.

He brought down the world and personally descended. There are black clouds at his feet.

He sat on the cherubim and flew, appearing on the wings of the wind.

He built his palace around him with darkness and gathering water, and thick clouds of the sky.

Because all the shining charcoal in front of him was burned.

The Lord thunders from heaven. The Supreme One makes a sound.

He shoots arrows, causing his enemies to scatter and sending out lightning, causing them to be disturbed.

At the rebuke of the Lord, the breath from his nostrils came out, and the bottom of the sea appeared, revealing the foundation of the earth.

He reached out from above and grabbed me, pulling me up from the flood.

He saved me from my strong enemies and those who hated me, because they were stronger than me.

On the day of my disaster, they came to attack me. But the Lord is my trust.

He led me to a spacious place again. He rescued me because he was pleased with me.

The Lord repays me according to my righteousness, and rewards me according to the cleanliness of my hands.

For I have kept the way of the Lord, and have not done evil from my God.

All his laws are always before me. I have never abandoned his laws.

I became a complete person in front of him. I also keep myself away from my sins.

So the Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness, according to my cleanliness before his eyes.

Kind people, treat them with kindness. A perfect person, treat him completely.

Clean people, treat them with cleanliness. You treat the eccentric person with bending.

You will save the suffering people. But your eyes see the proud and make them humble.

O Lord, you are my lamp. The Lord will illuminate my darkness.

I charge into the enemy through you, and leap over the walls through my god.

As for God, his way is perfect. The word of the Lord is refined. He will be a shield for everyone who takes refuge in him.

Who is God besides Jehovah? Who is the rock besides our God?

God is my strong fortress. He guides the perfect person on his path.

He makes my feet as fast as the hooves of a deer, and he makes me secure on high places.

He taught me that my hands can fight, and even my arms can open a copper bow.

You give me your salvation as a shield. Your gentleness makes me great.

You have made my feet wider. My feet have never slipped.

I pursued my enemies and destroyed them; before they were destroyed, I did not return.

I exterminated them, injured them, and prevented them from getting up. They all fell at my feet.

Because you have bound my waist with strength, enabling me to fight. You also subdue those who attack me below me.

You have made my enemies turn their backs and flee before me, so that I can cut off those who hate me.

They looked up, but there was no one to save them. Even if I cry to the Lord, he will not answer.

I crushed them like dust on the ground, trampled on them, scattered on the ground like the dirt on the street.

You saved me from the strife of my people and protected me as the head of the nations. The people I never knew will serve me.

The foreigners will surrender to me, and when they hear of my reputation, they will obey me.

The Gentiles will wither and tremble as they leave their camps.

The Lord is the living God, may my rock be praised. May God’s rock, which saves me, be revered.

This God is the one who avenges me and subdues all the people below me.

You saved me from my enemies and lifted me up above those who rose up against me. You saved me from being raped.

Therefore, O Lord, I will give thanks to you among the nations and sing praises to your name.

The Lord bestowed great salvation upon his king, and showed mercy to his anointed one, to David and his descendants forever.


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