
Revelation_Chapter 22

The angel also showed me a river of life water in the streets of the city, bright as crystal, flowing out of the thrones of God and the Lamb.

There is a tree of life on this side and that side of the river, which bears twelve types of fruit every month. The leaves on the tree are meant to heal all the people.

There will be no more curses in the future. There is a throne of God and the Lamb in the city. His servants will all serve him.

I also want to see his face. His name must be written on their foreheads.

There will be no more dark nights. They also don’t need lighting or sunlight. Because the Lord God will shine upon them. They will reign forever and ever.

The angel said to me again, These words are true and trustworthy. The Lord is the God of the Spirit of the prophets, who sent his messengers to show his servants what must be done quickly.

Look, I must come quickly. Blessed are those who keep the prophecies in this book.

These things are what I, John, have heard and seen. I heard and saw it. Lie down at the feet of the angel who instructed me to worship him.

He said to me, absolutely not. I am a servant along with you, your brothers and prophets, and those who keep the words of this book. You must worship God.

He said to me again, “Do not seal the prophecy in this book.”. Because the date is approaching.

Those who are unjust are still unjust. What is filthy, let him remain filthy. For those who are righteous, let them remain righteous. Holy, call him still holy.

Look, I must come quickly. Rewards and punishments belong to me, and I will repay each one according to their actions.

I am Alpha, I am Omega, I am the first, I am the last, I am the beginning, I am the end.

Blessed are those who wash their clothes, that they may have authority to go to the Tree of Life, and may enter the city through the gate.

There are those dogs, those who practice witchcraft, those who commit adultery, those who kill, those who worship idols, and all those who like to tell lies and fabricate lies outside the city.

I, Jesus, have sent my messengers to prove these things to you for all the churches. I am the root of David and his descendant. I am the bright morning star.

The Holy Spirit and the bride both speak. Those who hear should also speak. Even thirsty people should come. Anyone willing can drink the water of life for free.

I testify to all who hear the prophecy in this book, that if anyone adds anything to this prophecy, God will bring upon them the calamity written in this book.

If anyone removes anything from the prophecy in this book, God will remove his portion from the tree of life and the holy city written in this book.

The proof of this is true. I will come quickly. Amen. Lord Jesus, I wish you to come.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with all the saints. Amen.

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