
Revelation_Chapter 3

Write to the messengers of the Church of Sardis, saying, He who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars, saying, I know your ways: by name you are alive, but in fact you are dead.

Be vigilant and strengthen those who are about to decline. Because I have seen your actions, nothing is perfect before my God.

So remember how you received and heard it. We must abide by it and repent. If I do not watch, I will come to you like a thief. You can never know when I will arrive.

However, in Sardis, you still have a few who have not defiled your clothes. They are going to walk with me in white clothes. Because they deserve it.

Whoever wins will wear white clothes like this. I will not erase his name from the book of life. And acknowledge his name before my father, and before all my father’s messengers.

The words spoken by the Holy Spirit to the churches, let anyone who has ears hear them.

You are to write to the messengers of the Church of Philadelphia, saying, Holy and true, holding the key of David, when opened, no one can close it, and when closed, no one can open it,

I know your behavior, you have a little bit of strength, and you have also followed my way without abandoning my name. Look, I have given you an open door in front of you that no one can close.

The one who claimed to be Jewish for a while, but was not actually Jewish, but a liar. I will make them come and worship at your feet, and let them know that I have already loved you.

Since you have kept my way of patience, I will keep you from being tested throughout the world.

I will come quickly, hold onto everything you have, so that no one may take away your crown.

I will make the victorious one a pillar in my temple, and he will no longer go out from there. I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of my God’s city, which is the new Jerusalem that came down from heaven from my God, and my new name.

The words spoken by the Holy Spirit to the churches, let anyone who has ears hear them.

You shall write to the messengers of the Laodicean Church, saying, The one who is Amen, the one who bears witness in good faith and truth, and the one who is the head of all things created by God, saying,

I know your behavior, and you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either cold or hot.

You are like warm water, neither cold nor hot, so I will spit you out of my mouth.

You say, I am wealthy, already rich, and not lacking in anything. But I don’t know that you are that poor, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked.

I advise you to buy gold refined by fire from me, to make you prosperous. Buy white clothes again and put them on, so that your shame of being naked will not be revealed. Buy some eye drops to wipe your eyes so that you can see.

I rebuke and discipline anyone I love. So you need to be enthusiastic and also repent.

Look, I’m standing outside the door knocking. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will go in to him, and he and I will sit at the table together.

I will give him who overcomes to sit with me on my throne, just as I have overcome and sat with him on my Father’s throne.

The words spoken by the Holy Spirit to the churches, let anyone who has ears hear them.

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