
Revelation_Chapter 2

Write to the messengers of the Ephesian Church, saying, The one who holds seven stars in his right hand and walks among the seven golden lampstands, saying,

I know your behavior, your labor, your patience, and your inability to tolerate evil people. You have also tested those who claim to be apostles but are not apostles, and found out that they are false.

You can also endure, having worked tirelessly for my name.

However, there is one thing I want to blame you for, which is that you have abandoned your initial love.

So remember where you fell from, and repent and do what you did in the beginning. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its original place.

However, there is one more thing you can do, which is that you hate the behavior of the party of Nicolas, which is also what I hate.

The words spoken by the Holy Spirit to the churches, let anyone who has ears hear them. I will give the fruit of the Tree of Life in the Paradise of God to him who overcomes.

Write to the messengers of the Church of Smyrna, saying, The first and last, those who have died and lived,

I know your troubles, your poverty, (yet you are wealthy), and I also know the slanderous words spoken by those who claim to be Jews. In fact, they are not Jews, but members of Satan.

You don’t have to be afraid of the hardships you will suffer. The devil will put a few of you in prison, so that you may be tested. You will suffer for ten days. You must remain faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.

The words spoken by the Holy Spirit to the churches, let anyone who has ears hear them. Those who win will not suffer the harm of a second death.

Write to the messengers of the Church of Pergamum, saying, The one with a two edged sword says,

I know your place of residence is where Satan’s seat is located. When my faithful witness Antippa was killed among you in the place where Satan lived, you held fast to my name and did not reject my way.

However, there are a few things I want to blame you for, because someone from your side has obeyed Balaam’s teachings. Balaam once taught Balak to set a stumbling block before the Israelites, so that they would eat offerings to idols and engage in adultery.

Some people in your area have also obeyed the teachings of the party of Nicola.

So you should repent. If I do not repent, I will soon come to you and attack them with the sword in my mouth.

The words spoken by the Holy Spirit to the churches should be heard by anyone who has ears. I will give the hidden manna to him who overcomes. And give him a white stone with a new name written on it. Except for what was received. No one can recognize it.

Write to the messengers of the Church of Thyatira, saying, The Son of God, whose eyes are like flames, and whose feet are like bright bronze, saying,

I know your behavior, love, confidence, diligence, and patience. And I know that you will do more good deeds in the end than in the beginning.

However, there is one thing I will rebuke you, which is that you allow the woman Jezebel, who claims to be a prophet, to teach my servants and lure them to commit adultery and eat offerings to idols.

I gave her a chance to repent, but she refused to repent of her lewd behavior.

See, I will make her sick and lie in bed. If those who have committed adultery with her do not repent of their actions, I will also make them suffer greatly together.

I will kill her followers again, so that the churches may know that I am the one who examines the heart and soul. And I will repay each of you according to your actions.

As for you, the rest of you in Thyatira, who do not follow that teaching and do not know the profound reasoning of Satan that they have always said. I tell you, I won’t put any other burden on you.

But what you already have, hold on until I come.

I will give to him who overcomes and abides by my commands to the end the authority to subdue the nations.

He will rule over them with an iron rod, crushing them like a potter’s vessel. Like the authority I received from my father.

I will give him the morning star again.

The words spoken by the Holy Spirit to the churches should be heard by anyone who has ears.

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