
Revelation_Chapter 1

The revelation of Jesus Christ is that God gave him to shew to his servants what must be done quickly. He sent messengers to speak to his servant John.

John proved the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ, everything he saw.

Blessed are those who prophesy in this book, and those who hear and keep what is written in it. Because the date is approaching.

John wrote letters to the seven churches in Asia. May the seven spirits of God, who was in the past, present, and everlasting in the future, and in front of his throne.

And Jesus Christ, who bears the witness of honesty and is the first to rise from the dead, to become the head of kings in the world. Grace and peace return to you. He loves us and uses his own blood to free us from sin. (Separated from the ancient scrolls for washing)

And he made us a nation, to be priests to his Father God. May the glory and power belong to him forever and ever. Amen.

Look, he descended from the clouds. All eyes will see him, even those who pierce him will see him. All the tribes on earth will mourn for him. This statement is true. Amen.

The Lord God said, I am Alpha, I am Omega (Alpha Omega is the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet), the Almighty who was and will be forever.

I, John, am your brother and one of you in the tribulation, kingdom, and patience of Jesus. For the word of God and for the testimony given to Jesus, he was on the island called Patmos.

On Sunday, I was moved by the Holy Spirit and heard a loud voice behind me, sounding like a trumpet,

What you see, write it in a book, to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sadi, Phratiophes, Laodicea, and the seven churches.

I turned around to see who was speaking to me. As soon as I turned around, I saw seven golden lamp stands.

In the middle of the lampstand, there was a man who looked like a son of man, wearing a long robe that hung down to his feet, with a gold belt tied around his chest.

His head and hair are both white, like white wool, like snow. My eyes are like flames.

Feet seem to exercise bright copper in the furnace. The sound is like the sound of a crowd of water.

He holds seven stars in his right hand. A double-edged sword came out of his mouth. The face shines like a scorching sun.

As soon as I saw it, I fell at his feet as if dead. He pressed me with his right hand and said, Don’t be afraid. I am the first, I am the last,

It’s the one who survived again. I have died before, and now I am alive again, living forever and ever. And holding the keys to death and the underworld.

So write down what you have seen, what is happening now, and what will happen in the future.

Regarding the mystery of the seven stars you see in my right hand and the seven golden lampstands. The seven stars are the messengers of the seven churches. Seven lampstands are seven churches.

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