
Revelation_Chapter 11

There is a reed given to me as a measuring staff. And it is said, Rise up and measure the temple of God, the altar, and all those who worship in the temple.

It’s just the courtyard outside the palace, we need to leave it unused. Because it was given to the foreigners. They will trample on the holy city for forty-two months.

I will make my two witnesses, dressed in sweaters, preach for 1260 days.

They are the two olive trees and two lampstands standing before the Lord of the world.

If anyone wants to harm them, fire will come out of their mouths and consume their enemies. Anyone who wants to harm them will be killed like this.

These two have authority to block the heavens from raining on the day of their preaching, and to turn water into blood. And can attack the world with various disasters at any time.

When they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the bottomless pit will fight against them and overcome them, killing them.

Their bodies collapsed on the streets of the big city. This city is called Sodom and Egypt according to the spirit, where their Lord was crucified.

From all peoples, ethnicities, and countries, some people will observe their corpses for three and a half days and will not be allowed to put them in graves.

The people living on the ground are joyful and happy, giving each other gifts. Because these two prophets caused pain to those who lived on the earth.

After these three and a half days, vitality entered them from God, and they stood up. Those who saw them were very scared.

Two prophets heard a loud voice coming from heaven and said to them, Come up here. They drove up to the sky in the clouds. Their enemies also saw it.

At that time, there was a great earthquake and the city collapsed by one tenth. Seven thousand people died due to the earthquake. The rest fear and glorify the gods in heaven.

The second disaster has passed. The third disaster is approaching.

The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there was a loud voice in heaven, saying, The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of my Lord and the Lord Christ. He will reign forever and ever.

Before God, the twenty-four elders who sat on their seats bowed to the ground and worshipped God,

We thank you, O Lord God Almighty, who was once and is now, for you have wielded great power and reigned.

The foreigners are angry, and your wrath has also come. The time for judging the dead has also arrived. The time has come for your servants, prophets, and saints, and all those who fear your name to receive rewards, both great and small. It’s time for you to corrupt those who corrupt the world.

At that time, the temple of God in heaven was opened, and his ark of the covenant appeared in his temple. Then there were lightning, sounds, thunderbolts, earthquakes, and hail.

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