首页 Revelation Revelation_Chapter 17

Revelation_Chapter 17

One of the seven angels who was holding seven bowls came to me and said, “Come here,…

One of the seven angels who was holding seven bowls came to me and said, “Come here, and I will show you the punishment that the great adulteress who is sitting on the waters will bear.”.

The kings of the earth have committed adultery with her. The people living on the ground got drunk with her lewd wine.

I was moved by the Holy Spirit, and the angel took me to the wilderness. I saw a woman riding on a vermilion beast. That beast has seven heads and ten horns, with blasphemous names all over its body.

The woman was dressed in purple and vermilion clothes, adorned with gold, gemstones, and pearls. Holding a golden cup in hand, filled with detestable things, it is her lewd filth.

On her forehead was written a name that said, “What a mystery! Babylon the Great is the mother of all the lewd women and all the detestable things in the world.”.

I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and the blood of those who testified about Jesus. I was greatly surprised when I saw her.

The angel said to me, Why are you surprised? I will tell you the mystery of this woman and the seven headed ten horned beasts carrying her.

The beast you saw was there before, but not now. Will rise from the bottomless pit and return to sinking. Anyone who lives on the earth and whose name has not been recorded in the Book of Life since the creation of the world will be amazed to see any beast that existed before, is not now, and will continue to exist.

The wise heart can think here. The seven heads are the seven mountains where the woman sits.

There are seven kings again. Five have already fallen, one is still there, and one has not yet arrived. When he comes, he must stay temporarily.

The beast that existed before and does not exist now is the eighth. He was also among the seven and fell.

The ten horns you see are the Ten Kings. They haven’t yet won the country. But for a moment, they want to gain power like beasts and kings.

They unanimously agreed to give their power and authority to the beast.

They fight against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, because the Lamb is the Lord of all lords and the King of all kings. Those who are with the Lamb, even those who are called and chosen with loyalty, will also triumph.

And the angel said to me, The waters where the lewd woman sat, which you have seen, are many people, many people, many nations, and many nations.

The ten horns that you see, along with the beast, will hate this adulteress and make her desolate and naked. Eat her meat again and burn her up with fire.

Because God made all the kings agree with one heart to do his will and give their kingdom to the beast, until all God’s words were fulfilled.

The woman you see is the great city that governs the kings of the earth.


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Revelation_Chapter 18

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