
Revelation_Chapter 18

Afterwards, I saw another angel with great authority descending from heaven. The earth shines with his glory.

He shouted loudly, “The great city of Babylon has fallen, it has fallen, it has become a dwelling place for demons, a nest for all kinds of unclean spirits, and a nest for all kinds of filthy and detestable birds.”.

Because all the nations were poured over by her lewd and angry wine. The kings of the earth have sex with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich because of her extravagance.

I also heard a voice from heaven saying, O my people, come out of that city, so that you may not be guilty with her and suffer the calamity she has suffered.

Due to her heinous sins, her unjust God has already remembered.

She should treat others as she does, and repay her twice as much as she does. Use her cocktail glass and mix it twice as much for her to drink.

How she glorifies herself, how luxurious she is, let her still suffer and mourn. Because she said in her heart, I have taken the position of queen, not a widow, and I will never be sad.

So within a day, her calamity will come together, including death, sorrow, and famine, and she will be burned down again. Because the Lord God who judges her has great power.

The kings of the earth, who have always indulged in debauchery with her, will cry and mourn for her when they see the smoke that burns her.

Out of fear of her pain, she stood far away and said, Alas, Alas, the great city of Babylon, the strong city, your punishment has come in a moment.

The merchants on the ground also wept and mourned for her, because no one bought their goods anymore.

These are gold, silver, precious stones, pearls, fine linen, purple, silk, vermilion, all kinds of incense, all kinds of ivory vessels, all kinds of extremely valuable wood and copper, iron, White Marble vessels,

And cinnamon, cardamom, spices, ointments, frankincense, wine, oil, fine flour, wheat, cattle, sheep, chariots, horses, and servants, and people.

Babylon, the fruit of your love has left you. All your delicacies and delicacies, as well as your magnificent objects, have been destroyed from among you and cannot be seen again.

The merchants who sold these goods and made a fortune through her stood from a distance, crying and mourning for fear of her pain, saying,

Alas, Alas, this great city has always been dressed in fine linen, purple, and vermilion clothes, adorned with gold, precious stones, and pearls.

In a moment, such great wealth was gone. All the shipowners, those who sailed everywhere, and all the sailors, even all those who worked by the sea, stood far away,

Seeing the smoke burning her, she shouted, “What city can compare to this great city?”?

They also sprinkled dust on their heads, wept and mourned, shouting, Alas, Alas, this great city. Everyone who has a ship in the sea has become rich because of her treasures. She became a wasteland in a moment.

Oh my goodness, all saints, all messengers, all prophets, rejoice in her. Because God has already avenged you on her.

A strong angel lifted up a stone, like a millstone, and threw it into the sea, saying, The great city of Babylon will also be thrown down with such force, and it will never be seen again.

The sound of playing the piano, making music, playing the flute, and playing the horn can never be heard among you again. Craftsmen from all walks of life must never be met again among you. The sound of grinding can never be heard among you again.

The light cannot shine on you anymore. The voices of the groom and bride can never be heard again among you. Your merchant used to be a noble person on the ground. All nations have also been deceived by your sorcery.

The blood of prophets and saints, as well as all the slain on earth, was seen in this city.

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