
Revelation_Chapter 6

When I saw the lamb unveiling the first seal of the seven seals, I heard one of the four living creatures, whose voice was like thunder, saying, Come.

I watched and saw a white horse with a bow in hand. And a crown was bestowed upon him. He came out and won again.

When I opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come.”.

Another horse came out, it was red. The authority has been given to those who ride horses to take peace from the ground and cause people to kill each other. Give him another big knife.

When I opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come.”. I just watched and saw a black horse. The rider on the horse is holding a balance in his hand.

I heard a voice among the four living creatures saying, “One penny of silver buys one liter of wheat, and one penny of silver buys three liters of barley.”. Oil and wine should not be wasted.

When I opened the fourth seal, I heard the fourth living creature say, “Come.”.

I just watched and saw a gray horse. Riding on a horse, the name is Death. The underworld also follows him. Give them power to kill a quarter of the people on the earth with the sword, famine, plague, and wild beasts.

When I opened the fifth seal, I saw the way of God and the souls of those who were killed as witnesses under the altar.

Shouting loudly, O Holy and True Lord, how long will you not judge those who live on the earth and avenge our bloodshed?

So white clothes were given to each of them. And there was another saying to them, saying, Let us rest for a while, and wait for those who are servants together, and their brothers, as they were slain, to satisfy their numbers.

When I opened the sixth seal, I saw a great earthquake again. The sun turns black like a blanket, and the full moon turns red like blood.

The stars in the sky fall to the ground, just like a fig tree shaken by a strong wind, shedding unripe fruit.

The sky moved, as if a scroll had been rolled up. Mountains, seas, and islands have all been moved away from their original positions.

The kings, officials, generals, wealthy men, strong men, and all slaves and free men on the earth are hidden in caves and caves.

Say to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, hide us from the face of those who sit on the throne, and from the wrath of the lamb.

For the day of their wrath has come, who can stand?

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