
Revelation_Chapter 10

I saw another powerful angel descending from heaven, draped in clouds, with a rainbow on his head. My face is like the sun, and my feet are like pillars of fire.

He is holding a small scroll in his hand that is unfolded. He stepped on the sea with his right foot and on the ground with his left foot.

Shout loudly, like a lion roaring. After shouting, there are seven thunderbolts making a sound.

After Qilei spoke, I was about to write it when I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Seal what Qilei said and do not write it.”.

The angel I saw stepping on the sea and the earth raised his right hand to heaven,

Swear by him who created heaven and the things in heaven, earth and the things on earth, the sea and the things in the sea, living forever and ever, saying, There will be no more days. (Or no longer delayed)

But when the seventh angel sounded his trumpet, the mystery of God was fulfilled, just as the good news God had brought to his servants the prophets.

The voice that I heard from heaven earlier commanded me, saying, Go and take the little book unfolded in the hand of the angel who treaded on the sea and the earth.

I walked up to the angel and said to him, “Please give me the little scroll.”. He said to me, “Take it and eat it up, and it will make your stomach bitter, but in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey.”.

I took the small scroll from the angel’s hand and ate it up. In my mouth, it is indeed as sweet as honey. After eating, my stomach feels bitter.

The angels said to me, “You will prophesy again about many people, many nations, many nations, and many kings.”.

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