
Revelation_Chapter 4

Afterwards, I looked and saw a door in heaven open. For the first time, I heard a sound like a trumpet blowing, saying to me, Come up here, and I will shew you what will come.

I was immediately moved by the Holy Spirit and saw a throne placed in heaven, and another sitting on the throne.

Look at the one sitting, it looks like jade and ruby. There is a rainbow surrounding the throne, like an emerald.

Around the throne, there are twenty-four seats, on which sit twenty-four elders, dressed in white clothes and wearing golden crowns on their heads.

There is lightning, sound, thunder roaring, emanating from the throne. Seven lamps of fire were lit in front of the throne, and these seven lamps are the seven spirits of God.

In front of the throne, there seems to be a sea of glass like crystals. There are four living creatures in and around the throne, all covered in eyes.

The first living creature is like a lion, the second is like a calf, the third has a face like a person, and the fourth is like a flying eagle.

The four living creatures each have six wings, and their bodies are covered with eyes both inside and outside. They keep saying day and night, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God. He is the Almighty who was once present and will always be present in the future.

Whenever the four living creatures give glory, honor, and gratitude to him who sits on the throne and lives forever and ever,

And the twenty-four elders fell down before those sitting on the throne, worshipping those who live forever and ever, and placing their crowns before the throne, saying,

Our Lord, our God, you are worthy of glory, honor, and authority. Because you created all things, and all things were created by your will.

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