首页 Revelation Revelation_Chapter 9

Revelation_Chapter 9

The fifth angel sounded the trumpet, and I saw a star fall from the sky to the ground. Giv…

The fifth angel sounded the trumpet, and I saw a star fall from the sky to the ground. Give him the key without a pit.

He opened a bottomless pit, and smoke rose from it, like smoke from a large furnace. The sun and sky have become dim due to this smoke.

A locust came out of the smoke and flew to the ground. Give them the power, just like the power of a scorpion on the ground.

And he commanded them, saying, Do not harm the grass on the earth, or any green thing, or any tree; only harm those who have not the mark of God on their foreheads.

But locusts are not allowed to kill them, only causing them pain for five months. This pain is like the pain of a scorpion stinging someone.

In those days, people demanded death and never died. Willing to die, but avoiding them.

The shape of the locust is like a horse ready for battle, with a golden crown on its head and a man’s face.

Hair is like a woman’s hair, and teeth are like the teeth of a lion.

There is armor on the chest, like iron armor. The sound of their wings is like the sound of many chariots and horses running into battle.

Having a tail like a scorpion. The venomous hook on the tail can harm a person for five months.

There are messengers without bottoms as their kings. In Hebrew, his name is Abaddon, and in Greek, his name is Apollon.

The first disaster has passed, and there are still two more disasters to come.

The sixth angel sounded the trumpet, and I heard a voice coming out from the four corners of the golden altar before God,

Command the sixth angel who blows the trumpet, saying, Release the four messengers bound by the river Euphrates.

The four envoys were released. They were originally prepared to kill one-third of the people by a certain year, month, day, and time.

The Ma army has twenty million. I heard their number.

I saw those horses and their riders in a vision, with armor on their chests like fire, along with purple agate and sulfur. The head of a horse is like the head of a lion, with fire, smoke, and sulfur coming out of its mouth.

The fire, smoke, and sulfur that came out of the mouth killed one-third of the people.

The ability of this horse lies in its mouth and tail. Because this tail is like a snake and has a head that is used to harm people.

The rest of the people who have not been killed by these calamities still do not repent of what their hands have done, but go and worship demons and idols who cannot see, hear, or walk, gold, silver, copper, wood, and stone.

And he did not repent of their murders, witchcraft, adultery, and theft.


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