首页 He Xia Shu He Xia Shu_Chapter 10

He Xia Shu_Chapter 10

Israel is a lush vine that bears many fruits, and the more fruits there are, the more alta…

Israel is a lush vine that bears many fruits, and the more fruits there are, the more altars are added. The more fertile the soil, the more beautiful the pillars will be made.

They have two minds and are now to be convicted. The Lord will demolish their altars and destroy their pillars.

They will say, We have no king, because we do not fear the Lord. What can Wang do for us?

They lie and swear falsely for the purpose of making a covenant, and therefore the punishment grows like bitter vegetables in the plows of the field.

The inhabitants of Samaria will be terrified by the calves of Bethaven, and the people who worship calves and the priests who love calves will leave him in glory and mourn for him.

People will bring a calf to Assyria as a gift and offer it to King Jereb. Ephraim will be ashamed, and Israel will be ashamed of its own schemes.

As for Samaria, her king will be destroyed like foam on the water.

The high places of Beth Aven, where Israel has sinned, will be destroyed, and thorns and thorns will grow on their altars. They will say to the mountains, Cover us, and to the hills, Fall on us.

Israel, you have been constantly sinning since the days of Gibeah. Your ancestors once stood there, and now the people living in Gibeah believe that war against the wicked will not come upon them.

I will punish them as I please. They are entangled in two types of sins, and the people of the nations will gather against them.

Ephraim is a tame heifer that loves to thresh, but I have put a yoke on its plump neck, and I will make Ephraim ridden. Judah will plow, Jacob will rake the land.

Plant righteousness for yourself, and you will reap mercy. Now is the time to seek the Lord, cultivate the wasteland until he comes and bring righteousness upon you like rain.

What you sow is evil, what you harvest is sin, and what you eat is the fruit of lies. Because you rely on your own actions and rely on the multitude of warriors.

So there will be a roar among this people, and all your fortresses will be destroyed, just as Shalman destroyed Beth Abil on the day of war, and his mother and son were both thrown to death.

Because of their great evil, Bethel will cause you to suffer like this. At dawn, the king of Israel will be completely destroyed.


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