
He Xia Shu

He Xia Shu_Chapter 13


Once upon a time, when Ephraim spoke, everyone trembled. He held a high position in Israel, but he sinned and died while...

He Xia Shu_Chapter 14


O Israel, return to the Lord your God. You fell because of your own sin. Return to the Lord and pray to him with words, ...

He Xia Shu_Chapter 12


Ephraim eats the wind and chases after the east wind. Frequently adding lies and rape. Make a treaty with Assyria to sen...

He Xia Shu_Chapter 11


When Israel was young, I loved him and called out my son from Egypt. The more the prophets called out to them, the more ...

He Xia Shu_Chapter 10


Israel is a lush vine that bears many fruits, and the more fruits there are, the more altars are added. The more fertile...

He Xia Shu_Chapter 8


You can blow the horn with your mouth. The enemy is like an eagle attacking the house of the Lord, because this people h...

He Xia Shu_Chapter 9


O Israel, do not rejoice and be joyful like the Gentiles, for you have committed adultery and abandoned your God, and ha...

He Xia Shu_Chapter 7


When I wanted to heal Israel, the sins of Ephraim and Samaria were revealed. They act falsely, with thieves stealing ins...

He Xia Shu_Chapter 5


Listen to my words, O priests, and pay attention, O house of Israel. Wang family, listen attentively. Judgment will come...

He Xia Shu_Chapter 6


Come, let us return to the Lord. He tore us apart and will heal us. He will wrap himself around us even if he hurts us. ...