首页 He Xia Shu He Xia Shu_Chapter 7

He Xia Shu_Chapter 7

When I wanted to heal Israel, the sins of Ephraim and Samaria were revealed. They act fals…

When I wanted to heal Israel, the sins of Ephraim and Samaria were revealed. They act falsely, with thieves stealing inside and robbers harassing in groups outside.

They did not think in their hearts that I remembered all their evil, and now their actions are entwined with them, all before me.

Their evil deeds bring joy to the king, and their lies bring joy to the leaders.

They are all licentious, like a furnace being heated by a pancake maker, from kneading dough to making dough, they temporarily do not let the fire burn.

On the day of our king’s feast, the leader fell ill due to the strong alcohol. The king held hands with the mocker.

When the leader lies in ambush, his heart is as hot as a furnace, like a pancake maker sleeping all night. In the morning, the fire burns hot.

The people are as hot as a furnace, burning down their officials. Their kings fell and died. None of them begged me.

Ephraim mixed with the nations. Ephraim is an untouched cake.

The foreigners devoured what he had earned through his labor, but he didn’t know, and his hair was graying, and he didn’t feel it either.

The pride of Israel bears witness to themselves face to face, even though they have encountered all of this, they have not turned to the Lord their God, nor have they sought him.

Ephraim is like a foolish and ignorant dove. They appealed to Egypt and sought refuge in Assyria.

When they go, I will cast my net over them, and I will shoot them down like birds in the air. I will punish them according to what their assembly has heard.

Woe to them for abandoning me, and destruction for disobeying me. Although I want to redeem them, they lie to me.

They didn’t sincerely beg me, but called out on the bed. They still rebel against me in search of new wine and grains.

Although I taught them and strengthened their arms, they plotted to resist me.

They return, but do not return to the higher. They are like flipping bows. Their leaders will fall by the sword due to the arrogance of their tongues, which will be a mockery in the land of Egypt.


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