首页 He Xia Shu He Xia Shu_Chapter 5

He Xia Shu_Chapter 5

Listen to my words, O priests, and pay attention, O house of Israel. Wang family, listen a…

Listen to my words, O priests, and pay attention, O house of Israel. Wang family, listen attentively. Judgment will come upon you, for you are like a net in Mizpah, and like a stretched out net in Tabor Mountain.

These rebellious people commit heinous acts of slaughter. But I rebuked them all.

Ephraim is known to me, Israel cannot hide from me. O Ephraim, now you have committed adultery and Israel has been defiled.

Their actions prevent them from turning to God, because there is a lustful heart within them, and they do not know the Lord.

Israel’s pride bears witness to itself in person. Therefore, Israel and Ephraim will fall for their sins, and Judah will fall with them.

They will lead their cattle and sheep to seek the Lord, but they will not find him. He has turned away from them.

They acted deceitfully towards the Lord and gave birth to illegitimate children. At the new moon, they and their inheritance will be swallowed up.

Blow the trumpet in Gibeah, the trumpet in Ramah, and a loud voice in Beth Aven, saying, ‘Benjamin, there is an enemy behind you.’.

On the day of punishment, Ephraim will become a desolation. I am among the tribes of Israel. Indicate what must be done in the future.

The leaders of Judah are like those who move the boundaries of the earth, and I will pour out wrath on them like water.

Ephraim was oppressed and crushed by judgment because of his obedience to human commands.

I have made Ephraim like a moth, and the house of Judah like decaying wood.

When Ephraim saw that he was sick, and Judah saw that he was wounded, they sent messengers to Assyria to see King Jereb, but he could not heal you or heal your wounds.

I will be like a lion to Ephraim, like a young lion to the house of Judah. I will tear it apart and take it away, with no one to rescue me.

I will return to my original place, and when they realize their guilt and seek my face, they will earnestly seek me in times of distress.


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