
Gospel of John_Chapter 10

Truly, I tell you the truth, if a person enters the sheepfold and does not enter through the door, but instead climbs in from elsewhere, they are thieves and robbers.

The shepherd of the sheep is the one who enters through the door.

The gatekeeper will open the door for him. The sheep also listen to his voice. He named his own sheep and led them out.

After releasing his own sheep, he walked ahead and the sheep followed him because they recognized his voice.

Sheep do not follow strangers because they do not recognize their voices. It is necessary to escape.

Jesus told them this parable. But they don’t understand what it means.

So Jesus said to them again, Truly I say to you, I am the door of the sheep,

Anyone who comes before me is a thief, a thief. But the sheep did not listen to them.

I am the door. Anyone who comes in from me will be saved and will have grass to eat when going in and out.

Thieves come to steal, kill, and destroy. I have come to give life to the sheep and to make it more abundant.

I am the good shepherd, who sacrifices his life for the sheep.

If a hired worker is not a shepherd, and the sheep are not his own, he will leave the sheep and flee when he sees the wolf coming. The wolf caught the sheep and scattered them.

The hired worker fled because he was a hired worker and did not care about sheep.

I am a good shepherd. I know my sheep, and my sheep also know me.

Just as my father knows me, I also know my father. And I sacrificed my life for the sheep.

I have another sheep, not in this circle. I must bring them here, and they must also listen to my voice. And we need to merge a group and belong to one shepherd.

My father loves me because I have given up my life so that I can retrieve it again.

No one took my life, it was my own sacrifice. I have the authority to give up, and I have the authority to take it back. This is the command I received from my father.

The Jews had another dispute over these words.

Many people inside said that he was possessed by ghosts and went crazy. Why listen to him?

Some people say that this is not what the ghost possessed person said. How can ghosts make the eyes of blind people open?

There is a temple repair festival in Jerusalem. It’s winter.

Jesus walked in Solomon’s porch in the temple.

The Jews surrounded him and said, “How long have you made us hesitate?”? If you are the Christ, tell us clearly.

Jesus replied, “I have told you that you do not believe.”. What I have done in the name of my father can be a witness to me.

But you don’t believe it, because you’re not my sheep.

My sheep listen to my voice, I also know them, and they follow me.

I have given them eternal life. They will never perish, and no one can take them from my hands.

My father gave me sheep, and he is greater than all things. No one can take them from my father’s hands.

My father and I were originally one.

The Jews picked up stones again to strike him.

Jesus said to them, “I have shown you many good things from my Father. Why did you stone me?”?

The Jews replied, “We did not stone you for good deeds, but for blasphemy.”. Because you are a human being, you treat yourself as a god instead.

Jesus said, Isn’t it written in your law that I once said you are God?

The words in the scripture cannot be invalidated. If those who inherit the Shintoism are still called gods,

Do you still say to him, “You speak blasphemy,” who is sanctified by the Father and sent to the world, claiming to be the Son of God?

If I do not do what my father does, then you do not need to believe me.

If I do, even if you do not believe me, believe in these things. Let you know and understand that the Father is in me, and I am also in the Father.

They are taking him again. But he escaped from their hands and left.

Jesus went again beyond the Jordan River and arrived at the place where John was initially baptized, and stayed there.

Many people came to him. They said John never performed a miracle. But everything John said pointing to this person was true.

Many people believed in Jesus there.

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