
Gospel of John_Chapter 2

On the third day, there was a wedding banquet in Cana, Galilee. Jesus’ mother is there.

Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the banquet.

When the wine had run out, Jesus’ mother said to him, ‘They have no more wine.’.

Jesus said, Mother, what have I to do with you. I haven’t arrived yet.

His mother said to the servants, ‘Whatever he tells you, do it.’.

According to the Jewish tradition of purification, there were six stone jars placed there, each holding two or three buckets of water.

Jesus said to the servants, Fill the jar with water. They filled it up until the cylinder port.

Jesus said, “Now you can scoop it out and give it to the ruler of the banquet.”. They sent it over.

The person in charge of the banquet tasted the wine that turned from water and didn’t know where it came from, only the person who scooped up the water knew. The person in charge of the banquet called the groom.

Tell him, people always put on good wine first. Wait until the guests have had enough to drink before placing the last one. You have left the good wine to this day.

This is the first miracle that Jesus did, done in Cana in Galilee, revealing his glory. His disciples believed in him.

After this, Jesus went down to Capernaum with his mother, brothers, and disciples. I stayed there for a few days.

As the Jewish Passover approached, Jesus went up to Jerusalem.

I saw people selling cows, sheep, and pigeons in the temple, as well as people exchanging silver coins sitting there.

Jesus made a whip out of a rope and drove all the cattle and sheep out of the temple. Pour out the silver coins of the people who exchange them and overturn their tables.

And he said to the pigeon seller, take these things. Do not treat my father’s temple as a place for buying and selling.

His disciples remembered what is written in the scripture, saying, I am anxious in my heart for your temple, as if it were burned with fire.

Therefore, the Jews asked him, “What miracle will you show us, even though you have done these things?”?

Jesus answered and said, Destroy this temple, and I will build it again within three days.

The Jews said, “This temple was only built forty-six years ago. Will you build it again within three days?”?

But Jesus said these things with his body as the temple.

So after he was resurrected from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said these things and believed in the Bible and what Jesus had said.

When Jesus celebrated the Passover in Jerusalem, many people saw his miracles and believed in his name.

But Jesus did not entrust himself to them, because he knew all men.

There’s no need for anyone to witness what happened. Because he knows what is in a person’s heart.

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