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Genesis_Chapter 19

Those two angels arrived at Sodom at night. Lot was sitting at the entrance of the city of…

Those two angels arrived at Sodom at night. Lot was sitting at the entrance of the city of Sodom, and when he saw them, he got up to meet them and bowed with his face to the ground,

“My lord, come to your servant’s house and wash your feet, stay overnight, get up early in the morning, and then leave.”. They said, no, we’re going to spend the night on the street.

Lot earnestly invited them, and they just entered his room. Lot prepared a feast for them, baked unleavened bread, and they ate it.

Before they lay down, people from all over the city of Sodom, both old and young, came to surround the house,

Call Lot and say, Where is the person who came to you tonight? Take them out and let us do whatever we want.

Lot came out, closed the door, and went to the crowd,

And he said, My brothers, do not do this evil thing.

I have two daughters, still virgins. Let me take them out and do as you wish. But since these two people have come to my place, don’t do anything to them.

Everyone said, “Go back.”. Also, this person came to reside and still wants to become an official. Now we want to harm you more than they do. The crowd crowded forward towards Lot, trying to break through the door.

But those two people reached out their hands, pulled Lot into the house, and closed the door,

And make the people outside the door, regardless of age, blind. They searched around but couldn’t find the door.

The two of them said to Lot, “Do you have anyone else here?”? Take your son-in-law, your children, and all the people in this city who belong to you out of this place.

We are going to destroy this place. For the voice of sin within the city is great before the Lord, who has sent us to destroy this place.

So Lot went out and told his son-in-law who had married his daughter, ‘Get up and leave this place, because the Lord will destroy this city.’. His son-in-law thought he was joking.

At dawn, the angel urged Lot, saying, Get up, take your wife and your two daughters who are here, and go out, so that you may not be destroyed by the sins of this city.

But Lot hesitated to leave. Because the Lord had mercy on Lot, the two of them took his hand, his wife’s hand, and the hands of his two daughters, and brought them out and placed them outside the city.

After leading them out, he said, ‘Run for your life.’. Do not look back or stand still on the plain. Run up the mountain to avoid being annihilated.

And Lot said to them, My lord, do not do so,

Your servant has received favor before your eyes. You have shown me great kindness again, saving my life. I can’t escape to the mountain, I’m afraid this disaster will come to me and I will die.

Look, this city is small and close, easy to escape, isn’t it a small one? Please allow me to escape there, so that my life can survive.

The angel said to him, I also agree to this matter. I will not overthrow the city you mentioned.

You need to quickly escape to that city. Because you haven’t arrived there yet, I can’t do anything. Therefore, the city is called Zoar (Zoar means small).

Lot has arrived at Zoar, and the sun has already risen.

At that time, the Lord brought sulfur and fire from heaven to Sodom and Gomorrah,

Destroy those cities and the entire plain, as well as all the inhabitants of the city, including those that grow on the ground.

Lot’s wife turned around and turned into a pillar of salt.

Abraham woke up early in the morning and arrived at the place where he had stood before the Lord before,

Looking at Sodom and Gomorrah, as well as all the land in the plain, only to find that the smoke of the place was rising up like a kiln.

When God destroyed the cities of the plain, he remembered Abraham and sent Lot out of the city where he was overthrowing.

Because Lot was afraid of staying in Zoar, he went up from Zoar with his two daughters and stayed in the mountains. He lives in a cave with his two daughters.

The eldest daughter said to the youngest daughter, “Our father is old, and there is no one on earth who enters us according to the conventions of the world.”.

Come on, we can invite our father to drink and sleep with him. In this way, we can preserve our descendants from him.

So that night they called their father to drink, and the eldest daughter went in to sleep with her father. When she lies down and when she wakes up is unknown to her father.

The next day, the eldest daughter said to the youngest daughter, “I slept with my father last night.”. Tonight we’ll call him to drink again, you can go in and sleep with him. In this way, we can preserve our descendants from our father.

So that night, they called their father to drink again, and their youngest daughter got up to sleep with her father. When she lies down and when she wakes up is unknown to her father.

In this way, both of Lot’s daughters became pregnant from her father.

The eldest daughter gave birth to a son and named him Moab, which is the ancestor of the Moabites today.

The youngest daughter also gave birth to a son and named him Benami, who is now the ancestor of the children of Ammon.


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