首页 Deuteronomy Deuteronomy_Chapter 17

Deuteronomy_Chapter 17

You shall not offer to the Lord your God any cattle or sheep that have any blemish or any …

You shall not offer to the Lord your God any cattle or sheep that have any blemish or any evil disease, for it is detestable to the Lord your God.

If anyone, male or female, in any of the cities that the Lord your God has given you among you, does evil in the eyes of the Lord your God and breaks his covenant,

To serve and worship other gods, whether to worship the sun, the moon, or the celestial phenomena, is something that the Lord has not commanded.

Someone tells you that you have also heard it, so you must search carefully. Indeed, it is true that this detestable thing must be done in Israel,

You must pull the man or woman who has committed this evil act to the gate of the city and stone him to death.

Two or three people must bear witness and put to death those who deserve to die. Do not use a person’s mouth as a witness to put them to death.

The witnesses must first take action, and then all the people will also take action to put him to death. So, eliminate that evil from among you.

If there is a dispute in your city that is difficult for you to determine, whether it is due to bloodshed, conflict, or physical assault, then rise up and go to the place chosen by the Lord your God

Go to the priests and Levites, as well as the judges at that time, and ask them, and they will give you the judgment.

They will give you the judgment in the place chosen by the Lord, and you will keep and do everything they teach you.

Do according to the law they teach you and according to their judgment. You must not deviate from the judgment they instructed you to make.

If anyone dares not listen to the priest who is standing before the Lord your God, or to the judges, then that person will be put to death. In this way, the evil will be removed from Israel.

All the people will hear and be afraid, and will no longer act recklessly.

When you come to the land that the Lord your God has given you and occupy it, if you say, ‘I will make a king over me, like the nations around me.’.

You must make the person chosen by the Lord your God king. I will appoint one person from your brothers. Do not make anyone other than your brothers king.

But the king shall not add horses to himself, nor shall he bring the people back to Egypt, to add his horses: for the Lord has commanded you not to go back that way.

He should not appoint too many concubines for himself, for fear that his heart may be biased. Do not accumulate too much gold and silver for yourself.

When he ascends to the throne, he shall transcribe for himself a book of the law before the priests and Levites,

Be with him and recite throughout your life, so that you may learn to fear the Lord his God and observe and do all the words and laws in this book of the law,

Lest he become arrogant towards his brothers and turn left or right, deviating from this commandment. So that he and his descendants may grow and endure on the throne in Israel.


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