
Chronicles of the Past Dynasties_Chapter 9

When the Queen of Sheba heard of Solomon’s reputation, she came to Jerusalem to question him with difficult words. There were many people following her, and camels carrying spices, precious stones, and a lot of gold. She came to see Solomon and said everything she had in her heart to him.

Solomon answered all her questions, and there was nothing he couldn’t understand or answer.

When the Queen of Sheba saw Solomon’s wisdom and the palace he had built,

The delicacies at the banquet were deliciously served, with the courtiers sitting in rows, and the servants standing on either side, as well as their clothing decorations. The wine steward and the wine steward’s clothing decorations, and when they saw him go up the steps of the Lord’s temple, they were amazed and became restless,

And he said to the king, Truly, what I have heard about you and your wisdom in my own country is true.

I don’t believe those words for now, but it wasn’t until I came to see them with my own eyes that I realized your great wisdom. What people tell me is less than half. Your deeds surpass the reputation I have heard.

Blessed are your courtiers and servants who stand before you and hear your wise words.

Praise be to the Lord your God. He delights in you, making you sit on his throne and reign over the Lord your God. Because your God loves the Israelites and will forever establish them, he has made you their king to uphold justice and righteousness.

So the Queen of Sheba gave one hundred and twenty talents of gold and precious stones, along with an abundance of spices, to King Solomon. The spice she gave to the king will never be like this again.

Hiram’s servants and Solomon’s servants brought gold from Ophir, as well as ebony and precious stones.

The king used sandalwood as a platform for the temple of the Lord and the king’s palace, and made harps and lyres for the singers. The land has never seen such a thing before.

King Solomon returned the gift that the Queen of Sheba had brought, and gave her all her requests and requests. So the queen and her servants returned to their own country.

Solomon received a total of 666 talents of gold every year,

In addition, there was gold brought in by merchants, and all the kings of Arabia and the governors of their countries brought gold and silver to Solomon.

King Solomon used hammered gold to make two hundred shields, each with six hundred shekels of gold.

And he made three hundred shields of hammered gold, each with three hundred shekels of gold, and placed them in the palace of the forest of Lebanon.

The king made a great throne out of ivory and wrapped it in pure gold.

The throne has six steps and a golden footstool, connected to it. There are handrails on both sides of the throne, and two lions stand near the handrails.

There are twelve lions standing on the six steps, with two on each floor, one on the left and one on the right. No other country has done so.

All the drinking vessels of King Solomon were of gold, and all the vessels in the palace of the forest of Lebanon were of pure gold. During the reign of Solomon, silver was nothing.

Because the king’s ships went to Tarshih with Hiram’s servants. He ships back every three years carrying gold, silver, ivory, monkeys, and peacocks.

King Solomon’s wealth and wisdom surpass all the kings of the world.

All the kings of the world sought to see Solomon, to hear the wisdom that God had given him.

They each brought tribute items, including gold, silver, clothing, military equipment, spices, mules and horses, with a certain number every year.

Solomon had four thousand stalls of horses for chariots and twelve thousand cavalry stationed in the chariot towns and Jerusalem, which was with the king.

Solomon ruled over all the kings, from the Great River to the land of the Philistines, and even to the border of Egypt.

The king made silver as abundant as stones in Jerusalem, and cedar as abundant as the sycamore trees in the plateau.

Someone came from Egypt and various countries to drive horses for Solomon.

The rest of Solomon’s events, from beginning to end, were not all written in the book of Nathan the prophet and in the prophecy of Ahijah the Shilonite, and in the prophecy of Iddo the seer about Jeroboam the son of Nebat?

Solomon reigned over all Israel in Jerusalem for a total of forty years.

Solomon slept with his ancestors and was buried in the city of his father David. His son Rehoboam succeeded him as king.

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