
Exodus 第2页

Exodus_Chapter 31


The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, See, among the tribes of Judah, I have called Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, b...

Exodus_Chapter 29


You have sanctified Aaron and his sons and consecrated them as priests to me. Do this: take one young bull and two flawl...

Exodus_Chapter 28


You shall bring your brother Aaron and his sons Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar from among the Israelites to come nea...

Exodus_Chapter 27


You need to make an altar of soapwood. This altar needs to be square, five cubits long, five cubits wide, and three cubi...

Exodus_Chapter 25


The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, Tell the Israelites to send me a gift, and if anyone is willing and willing, you can ac...

Exodus_Chapter 26


You need to make ten curtains for the tent. These curtains are to be made of finely twisted linen and blue, purple, and ...

Exodus_Chapter 24


The Lord said to Moses, “You, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel, come up to me and bow down...

Exodus_Chapter 22


If a person steals an ox or a sheep, whether slaughtered or sold, he shall compensate five oxen for one ox and four shee...

Exodus_Chapter 23


Do not spread rumors with others, and do not collude with evil people to make false witnesses. Do not do evil with the c...

Exodus_Chapter 21


This is the law that you will establish before the people:, If you buy a Hebrew as a servant, he will serve you for six ...